Discussion for article #243162
Take that Mr. Governor!
I am always amazed at how willing these “fiscal conservatives” are to piss away taxpayer money on lawsuits caused by their being asshats.
Even when warned in advance.
The NGO’s helping to place refugees are doing the Lord’s work.
I wish someone would ask Governor Pence how he intends to keep Syrian refugees who settle in Illinois out of Indiana.
About a year ago, he was shamed into backing down from a policy allowing businesses to discriminate against same sex couples and now this. You can always count on Pence to be on the wrong side of history. Hoosiers must be so proud.
He’ll build a wall and make the people in Chicago pay for it.
The governor probably has never seen a wonderful old film set in Indiana, Friendly Persuasion, about a pacifist Quaker family reluctant to join the Civil War which was raging. He wouldn’t even get the message about the evil of war.
Feature, not a bug. They desperately want to try to force it up to the SCOTUS again in hopes they can change the rules.
I hope this is just the first of many such lawsuits against these governors.
Rejecting Syrian Refugees - lawsuit pending
Religious Freedom Act - rescinded (conventions and tourism boycott)
Mike Pence is oh-for-2 thus far in 2015.
Three-is-the-charm Mike.
What else can you phobically f^ckup for the state of Indiana before year’s end Governor?
GOP not really all that interested in what the Constitution says, because freedim.
Screw this Asshole ! REpublicans = Bigots, Racists, Hateful People , People who push Christianity , and those who suck up to the rich.
The ACLU is 100% correct here.
More accurately, address this to “Dear Republicans of Indiana” – the rest of us are ashamed of the state government and can’t wait for a chance to kick them out.
He’ll do what the current leader of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, does, he’ll look at them and then get a feeling. And then if he really wants to do what the current leader of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, does, he’ll say something ignorant and racist, incite violence, deny his false claims, double down and surge in the polls with the bigoted base of the GOP (which sadly seems to be a very large number of people).
Is it just me, or does Indiana seem to be inching closer and closer to Texas when no one is looking?
Jesus! Indiana had to hire a p.r. firm image doctor to salvage it’s reputation after they passed a religious bigotry law back in March. The legislature had to do a hurried face-saving fix while much head-hanging and regret were expressed.
Now, it appears that Mike Pence is hell-bent on permanently tarnishing Indiana, cementing the image of the state of Indiana as being bigoted, intolerant and uncharitable. Way to go, Mike!