Discussion: In Video, Trump Claims Fallen Soldiers Would Approve Of His Syria Pull Out

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Sickening. This is the most obscene thing he’s done.


I have it on good authority Oscar Wilde would love my clam chowder.


This ranks pretty high up:

Donald Trump’s campaign sought to intimidate Hillary Clinton by inviting women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual abuse to sit in the family area close to the center of Sunday night’s presidential debate.

The four women planned to walk in the debate hall at the same time as the former president and confront him in front of a live television audience, according to sources close to the situation.

The plan was first reported by the Washington Post but was later confirmed by NBC News. It was thwarted moments before the event went on-air when the Commission on Presidential Debates intervened to prevent it, even threatening to get security to block the women.

The four — Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Kathy Shelton — eventually sat in the audience alongside other ticketed members.


I thought Melania was the only one who approved of his pullout. Or was it Stormy?


My question would be if he pulls out of Syria, and he still wants the bestest biggliest, military then what is going to do with the service men and women? Will he try another S. American/C. American meddling? NoKo wants us out of S. Korea where will those service members go?


Good God. Trump claims to speak for dead soldiers.



Grotesquely and morally self-serving and obscene.


He is going to go lower I bet. This morning’s tweet fest looks like a really cheap ass, schlocky propaganda feed. It feels like something out of North Korea. One more step and he will insist we call him dear leader.


I sure wish Fred had pulled out 70-odd years ago. The world would’ve been a better place today.


Starting to sound a little more unhinged that usual. …even for Trump.


It’s axiomatic with him that there is no bottom. You just tighten your seatbelt and wonder what’s next.


Too bad the grandfather didn’t get whacked in the great gold rush before spreading his evil seed.


There goes his military parade.


Send ‘em down to the border and let them kick their heels there.

Oh, wait, didn’t he tweet something about the military building the wall? So, it’s like having a bunch of free laborers! ‘Cause they’re getting paid anyway (he doesn’t even have to stiff them!!) and voilà, the $5bn is shrunk to, oh, who cares about the math anyway?


He is following Turkey’s and Putin’s and Saudi Arabia’s orders on this. Cut him some slack.


Damn little is said about the laws insisting on the performance of probably dozens of environmental reviews regarding the land proposed for wall construction. Additionally hundreds of eminent domain claims would have to be negotiated, with likely many of those hitting an impasse, with the landowners filing dozens of suits demanding more compensation. Then there are the mandated bidding notices, sorting through them, government vetting of the companies for competency and ability to fulfill their bid. I’m sure I’m leaving out a few other protracted steps before construction could commence, if ever at the level required to complete a comprehensive wall spanning the entire southern border. This is a project that would take a decade to set up properly before serious dirt was shoveled.


A commander who trusts that he has the confidence of his men does not boast to third parties that his men think his ideas are good (or big!) ideas. He issues commands and confides that every man will do his d-u-t-y. To boast of lapdog approval from the ranks is a statement that can only be made from a position of profound weakness and insecurity.

So, while revolting, it should not be surprising.


Yeah, it only has propaganda value for Individual-1 — without him the whole wall thing would have been flushed as impractical and nonsensical a long time ago.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful, though, if Karma arranged it that this was indeed the thing that turned his base against him? It would be so…karmic.


I saw the “video” this morning. It looked like bizarre to say the least with shades of being a sleazy infomercial. And, I hate to add this but when he points upward and says something about “they want it”, I had no idea what the hell he was referring to.

Then I realized, yes, he was speaking for soldiers KIA. It was grotesque and disarming.

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