Discussion: In Sultry Monologue, Tucker Says Media Wants To 'Consume' Buttigieg Like A 'Hearty Stew'

Say no more. That X-ray has the whole story printed right on it.


Looks like Pete is going to be just fine when dealing with homophobic assholes.


It hasn’t even started yet though.

They’re always afraid someone will find them out.


“Poor Tucker, he can’t help it — he was born with a silver foot in his mouth.” (h/t Ann Richards)


And that will surely be a major test for Pete. He refuses to pretend to be somebody who he is not, so I still think that Pete’s going to handle it all just fine.


I think that truly is the central mystery. Just ran into this very phenomenon at a funeral. Guy from my distant Southern past was dropping little surly crumbs into the conversation, pausing with a smirk so I could pick them up and show my membership in the angry rich white guy club. I found it extremely weird, and was deeply grateful to be pulled into another conversation. Not to mention that I am neither angry by default nor rich.

Maybe it’s that their appetite for having others bend to their every whim can never be completely satisfied, given that absolutely everyone isn’t willing to display subservience?


“Waaaaah, nobody is allowed to be interesting and get attention except the people we’re trying to indoctrinate you to worship and obey!!!”


I imagine with some it’s something pretty universal and ultimately trivial, like dad was out of town on business the night of the big game in ninth grade and that’s why they threw the interception that kept them out of the playoffs and nothing’s been right ever since and it was always Dad’s fault. Now let it be said I know plenty of well-off people who are great in every way. But the rates of assholery are higher than average, just anecdotally. Further research is indicated.


Seems like you are more obsessed with him than the media. It’s amazing, Fox news and it’s supporters seem to have a need to fixate on a Democratic politician on a rotating basis, AOC, Buttigieg, etc. So we know they have personal issues.

More of a Manwich, but ok.

You try living life knowing to your inner core that you’re not worthy of and would not have been capable of achieving and are not possessed of the competence to have achieved anything you’ve achieved…that everything is a privileged lie handed to you by your lucky combination of wealth, race, socio-economic positioning and gender. These people grow to resent and view as a threat any who can expose the fundamental lie of their existence because deep down they know it exists, know that it shames them and undermines their self-declared superiority, and they are therefore desperate to hide it by projecting, exercising their power upon the powerless and preventing anyone from actually competing with them, which would certainly expose everything. Tucker Carlson is one of the posterboys for this. He’s a ridiculous, infantile boob who never would have made it to where he is were it all not handed to him on a silver platter at every stage of his life. Anyway, of course they’re all sourly angry. They’re hollow inside.


Maybe people should start asking Tucker just what he does on that island he owns in Maine.


Indeed. If you have the stomach for it, I look forward to your publication of same.

I’ve personally found that demographic to be above the fray and happy/friendly enough, or spiteful as my “friend” was. In the Southern case, I’d posit it may bloom from the unhappy interception into a general sense of aggrievement with the rest of the world and its unfettered culture, which readily exists without angry rich white Southern approval.

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I’m quite certain he personally will.

My wife and I have faced too much scorn during our lives to not be realistic in believing that he will lose some Democratic votes because of it. Anyone that claims otherwise is badly mistaken to think that stark homophobia only exists among the GOP and the religious right. I’d like that not be so, but we live in the world as it exists today, not in the world as we wish it to be.

That doesn’t mean he shouldn’t run. He sharp, articulate, smart as hell, and telegenic, but if that’s all that mattered, we wouldn’t have an orange shit stain in the White House today.


Here’s The Onion’s take on Fox’s obsession with AOC -


Poor ol* Ms Carlson - just another Blobby lapdog .

All prep schools have a “toxic male” subculture. In my prep school, they were, thankfully, a minority, and senior year, when I was the official class “cool nerd”, they didn’t like me. This meant that when the Tucker Carlson wannabes tried to beat me up, I could count on at least a few of the schools big, dumb football jocks to suggest they shouldn’t. (To aggravate things, cool nerd liberal democrats had allies in officialdom; the faculty tended liberal, and while the school was more corporate-conservative Republican, there was a big block of kids from the Pittsburgh

My guess is that the otherwise cliqued-out student body would have beat the shit out of Carlson every day. This was in an era when it had only recently become co-ed and the level of toxic sexism and homophobia was way into the red zone. But Carlson is a truly disgusting creature, and really rather stupid.


I’d take a Buttigieg hearty stew over a trump ‘stuff that leaks out of the bottom of your trash can on a hot summer day’ any time!


YUM! Does it come with a side of angioplasty?