More lies? Must be trump. If trump says someone lied in relation to him or anything he’s done or not done…you can count on lies from trump.
Will he ask for an investigation into McGahn? Investigate everyone!
Trump is going to need a bigger bus.
Another stunning trump claim. Must be Friday…
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving person. Fuq McGahn, he gets exactly what he deserves.
It would be stunning if someone…anyone in trumpland told the truth.
You know, I wonder when/if Mueller and McGahn finally get enough of being the butt of Cheatolini’s (and LowBarr’s) vindictiveness and spill their guts.
Having your boss publicly announce that you perjured yourself must get under the skin of even a McGahn.
And Mueller having LowBarr basically implying that he was incompetent and shirking by not coming up with a recommendation must feel like a slap in the face.
Is Cheatolini really worth it? Are these guys really so trumpy-whipped that they’ll just let the insults keep on rolling?
It’s a puzzle to me.
There’s only one way to settle this. Get Trump under oath and America will see if he can go 12 hours without lie #11,982 coming out. I’ll take the under. Lock him up and let’s put this national nightmare behind us!
Trump destroys everyone who serves him This is obvious to even the most casual observer. How GD dumb do you have to be to think you’re the one person this won’t happen too?
And what does McGahn say to that ?
Trump’s never seen “Murder on the Orient Express”–no bare tits–and reading, well. But he should. He really, really should.
Bigger panties…
It’s 6:30 AM where I am. It’s gonna be a long day…
This guy has no clue about ethics or morals and he’s projecting those ideas on to a lawyer?
Lord, he’s lost it.
Getting shanked by the petty conman is pretty common. So, hand-job McGahn, got anything to share?
His fear makes me afraid.
Are we watching “Wag the Dog” unfold?
No matter the escape velocity with which they flee this administration, they are still within Trump’s event horizon.
Your turn, Mr. McGahn . . .
“Oh what a tangled web we weave…”