“It is unclear what impact, if any, the restrictions will actually have on abortions, as women could cite other reasons — or not give any — for seeking an abortion.”
“It is unclear what impact, if any, the restrictions will actually have on abortions, as women could cite other reasons — or not give any — for seeking an abortion.”
Well, there’s always that 12-hour grilling under a bright lamp that they will implement next, once they realize they can’t read minds.
So now women are to be subjected to forced pregnancy.
Much like gun ownership, Republicans never consider that some people just aren’t equipped to raise and care for a special needs child. They may not have the temperament, financial means, suitable childcare, or simply the emotional wherewithal to handle a severely disabled child. What kind of life is that child being sentenced to being raised by people who don’t want the child and know damn well they can’t properly care for it, but do it anyway because they don’t think they had any other choice?
The IN state government should then set aside money to assist families with horrendous medical bills that will most certainly be incurred. And that’s not mentioning the suffering the babies will be asked to endure. There are fetal defects that result in all sorts of suffering in the resulting babies. I am not suggesting a eugenics program, far from it. I just think that this is not the perview of government. These are issues between doctor and patient(and family)
I have dear friends, holocaust survivors in their 90s now, who had three children. The first was diagnosed with profound cognitive and motor deficit at an early age. By the time of the diagnosis, she was pregnant with the second child, who was subsequently diagnosed with the same deficit. They were reassured that it wasn’t genetic, and got pregnant again, only to have the same diagnosis when the child was born. All three children spent their entire lives confined to a bed unable to communicate with anyone, or to play or eat for themselves, to express a desire or make an observation. They died in their twenties and thirties. The parents’ heartbreak colored their lives, and their pain was obvious on the rare occasions they spoke of their children.
Eventually geneticists were able to identify the mutation that led to the condition, and it can be detected in utero. The senselessness and cruelty of denying the choice of abortion to parents whose fetuses are condemned to live these pointless, vegetative lives in order to make sure that “sluts” pay their dues is beyond my comprehension. The people who agitate for and promulgate these laws have no understanding of life as it is lived by other people and cannot claim the title of “pro-life.” That is a bald-faced lie.
Well, you know that if some woman has sex and gets pregnant, Jeebus wants her to be punished by carrying the fetus to term. Having a profoundly ill child is just additional slut-punishment that she must have earned, because Jeebus.
Unfortunately stupidity is very wide spread throughout the country. Consider the millions of voters who happily cats their ballots in direct contravention of their own personal self interest by voting for the GOP and people like Pence.
Do we as a nation not have a Constitutional proscription on cruel and unusual punishments or did I just imagine that?
I’m always amused by the notion that stupid, regressive voters and politicians only exist in certain parts of the country. Peter King is from NYC, Darrell Issa is from CA, Michelle Bachmann represented parts of MN, and Paul LePage is the governor of Maine. Stupid isn’t regional, it’s national.
I’m afraid there won’t be a rebellion. It will go back to what it was before Roe v Wade; if you have the money or the connections you can get a safe abortion, if not you can try to self abort or get an illegal abortion which may or may not be safe.
Yeah, it’s more a matter of relative frequency rather than absolutes. You see higher density of density in some parts of the country, but it exists everywhere.
So are the also going to provide the funding to support those raising children with disabilities - or provide the hospital care that will be needed in so many cases.
The party of absolute and complete hatred of those they are meant to care about.
Such a comedian! These are exactly the people who cut prenatal care, cut medicaid, cut special education…
(Is it just texas where a hospital can pull the plug on medicaid patients it considers terminal and without sufficient quality of life, or has that spread?)
Choice is the best policy. Abortion on demand as well.
I had an Aunt who lived to the age of 49 who had Down’s, she spent until the year of her death going to a special school. I’m sure if your Down’s baby was born the state on IN would gladly be helping with care, special schooling, etc, etc, etc.
If Republican men could get pregnant, abortion would not only be legal, it would be free and there would be an abortion clinic on every street corner.
Yep and you can bet that those church run hospitals will line up for their share of the $$$, they did in the past just called it anything but abortion.
(amused smile) Certainly my state of Arizona isn’t free of the scourge of epic stupidity. There were just shy of 250,000 votes for Trump and a further 132,000 for Cruz in our recent Presidential Preference election. Scarily 235,000 were cast for Hillary and 163,000 for Bernie which does not bode well for November… Counting Kasich (53,000) that’s more GOPers than democrats voting. Geesh!
So, you “pro-life” m f’ers want women to carry and deliver children with debilitating and possibly fatal birth defects? Because, you know “pro-life”…which is bullshit.
More like pro-power! The do as I say crowd! Talk about cruel and unusual punishment!