Discussion: In Clinton-Trump Match-up, A Flashback To 'Claytie Vs. The Lady'

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I believe it was Barbara Jordan whom when asked whether she had encountered more difficulties in life from being black or being a woman, stated unequivocally that sexism was worse than racism.

Hilary is not a perfect human being. She makes mistakes. But no sentient human being can compare her qualifications or moral character to Donald Trump and say she fails the comparison.

The fact that the press keeps insisting on some sort of equal time for both is, in my opinion, a complete failure of their responsibility. Trump is a monomaniacal huckster with no morals. A serial philanderer with no policy. A congenital liar whose drug of choice is vanity.

He should not be qualified for public office; rather, he should be at best, a freak attraction in a carnival sideshow.


Ann Richards – now there was a woman, and a lady.


I remember that campaign well. Thanks, TPM, for aptly drawing out the parallels to the current one. Too bad that the brilliant Ann Richards lost her reelaction bid after dispatching this hayseed–that setback gave Amurka Gov. George W. Bush.


God I miss Ann. Molly Ivins, too. I lived in Austin when Ann was Treasurer and then Governor. I was at her election night party - that the press said would be a somber affair when she lost. Then I remember the excitement as the votes came in. When it became apparent that she had won, the party started. We hugged and laughed ourselves silly until 4 in the morning. Then went home for a quick nap, shower and off to work. Damn, I miss being young and able to do that!


EXCELLENT article…


I didn’t notice any mention of serial bankruptcies in the profile of Claytie. This is something unique, which The Rump brings to the table. In the America I know, Rump would be that fucking deadbeat who everyone in town had forgiven for stiffing us the money he owed, until we saw him driving around town in a shiny new pickup truck. And not the work truck with plastic hubcaps and an FM radio, either. I’m talking leather, spinners, premium sound.

In the America I know, The Rump couldn’t get so much as a tankful of propane delivered without cash up front.


Yes, there is a lot of sexism in this country. Take, for instance, the insistence by some Sanders supporters that Clinton drop out of the race every time he wins a state. Never mind her huge delegate lead, her large lead in actual votes, or her experience; he won a state and polls better (now). That is straight up sexism. No one would ever say it Clinton were a man.


Actually, you’ve engaged in understatement, if anything.


The spirit of Ann Richards is smiling down upon Hillary Clinton. And glaring at Donald T-Rump.


“Poor Drumpy. He can’t help it. He was born with an orange rug on his head.”


I want to use the “born on third base” saying, but I’m afraid that with Trump the womanizer, Trump who lusts after his daughter, people might consider an unsavory interpretation.


Clinton should retool Richards perfect put down “Poor Trump, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth”


Boy do I miss Ann Richards…



It will be interesting to see if there is at least one ad in the general that includes comments from people who have been stiffed by Trump thru one of his many bankruptcies or his ongoing business dealings where he signs a contract and then “renegotiates” terms when it comes time to pay. I have no doubt that hundreds of people and businesses went broke trusting Trump to meet his obligations.


paying for prostitutes…the ‘Donald Trump of Texas’

It’s like they were twins…
Had the honor of meeting Ann Richards once, she was lovely to my parents…

I was at a United Way event in Austin and Richards was the presenter. She was praising the “small donors” and told this story she attributed to Mae West.

Mae met a friend who had a new fur coat and Mae asked if she had a new boyfriend. The woman said “Yes!! I met a man who has ten thousand dollars!!”

A few years later they met again, and this time, Mae had a new fur coat. Her friend asked if she met a man who had ten thousand dollars.

Mae replied “No, Honey, I met ten thousand men with a dollar.”


Yes. Nobody pretends that Bill Clinton was a model of chastity, but next to Trump—well, Bill likes women, even when they’re fully dressed. Trump is one of those guys who chases pussy, but loathes women.

I’ve noticed that, as Trump supporters can’t really whitewash his history with women (or business dealings, or racism), they’ve started to spin these yarns about the Clintons (of the Hillary was simultaneously a lesbian and having an affair with Vince Foster variety) in hopes of making their boy seem less like the creep that he is.

(As with President Obama, all the plausible criticisms of Hillary come from the Left, whereas the ones from our right-leaning friends are based in lurid conspiracy theories—and for the same reason: making stuff up is all they have.)


I remember watching an HBO documentary about Ann Richards years ago which was very entertaining and showed her as a great politician. It was a travesty than an incompetent like GWB could have turfed her out of office. She would have made a really great president.