Discussion: In Clinton-Trump Match-up, A Flashback To 'Claytie Vs. The Lady'

As is her daughter.

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Bob Arum would probably be happy to do an anti Trump ad and so would Kathy Duva-Dan Duva’s widow.


I miss Ann so much. She was such a class act and the last decent governor of Texas. I miss Molly so much. We lost them both in one year.

Texas is so testosterone soaked these days you can feel it.


As I recall, Molly Ivins wrote that “Clayton Williams proved that you can trip over your dick occassionally and get away with it, but you can’t jump up and down on it repeatedly without hurting yourself.” God I miss her.


Interesting, illustrative but, to me, just tip of the iceberg type stuff. Yes, Trump reneged on $2.5 mill of a $11.5 mill deal, which isn’t small change, but I’m more interested in the builders and suppliers and people who worked for them who got stiffed when Trump did this to their companies. And we know there must be a LOT of them out there. People who lost their jobs, people who had to accept pennies on the dollar, businesses that shuttered because he either declared bankruptcy or just walked away/didn’t pay and simply told them “You don’t like it? Sue me.”

Those are the stories I’d like to see investigated and published.


catch the reason on why Duva and Arum got stiffed.

and Arum had to accept a lesser deal in regards to that bout. After all, Trump’s reasoning about the US being in wartime (even though his casino investments were about to bottom out) in '91 was the principal reason to restructure the deal.


Ya I’m holding out for sympathetic great grandmothers and retired fire fighters to tell their Rump stories.

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No. This is shaping up to be a replay of 2000, regardless of the similarities in personalities.

While he certainly has much more support than Nader ever had, Sanders cannot win nationally and if a certain percentage of his idiotic supporters keep thinking it’s Bernie or nothing, they will fuck-up the country worse than Bush ever did.

Yup - Donnie waited long enough that there was no time to arrange for an alternate fight venue and then hid behind “war time” as his excuse. I have no doubt that Trump found out Caesar’s bid in advance, upped it by $500k and planned to renege on part of the amount due all along.

Can’t wait for more of these stories to come out.


Another lady dearly missed by many, on Ann Richards:

Republican nominee Claytie Williams was a perfect foil, down to his boots, making comments that could be construed as racist and sexist. Ann was the candidate of everybody else, especially women. She represented all of us who have lived with and learned to handle good ol’ boys, and she did it with laughter. The spirit of the crowd that set off from the Congress Avenue Bridge up to the Capitol the day of Ann’s inauguration was so full of spirit and joy. I remember watching San Antonio Mayor Henry Cisneros that day with tears running down his cheeks because Chicanos were finally included.

The lady in question is (of course) the late, great Molly Ivins. (The link is to the entire remembrance of Ann Richards.)

May Hillary hand The Donald the same sort of defeat that Ann handed Claytie!


Get Trump talking about rape immediately. Always a winner! Conservative old white guys can’t help themselves. They always have a detailed and considered opinion on gay sex, rape and porn. Just ask!

Just for the record, it was Shirley Chisholm. Not that it should be a contest, and she hardly minimized the obstacles black people face; but yup, she said it, and more than once.

Woman are so integral to virtually everyone’s lives from birth – boys and girls – that we don’t even notice how we pigeonhole them. When I was a young woman, my female friends and I were proud of our successes on the job, and knew sexism didn’t affect our lives. As we got older, and frequently saw less capable male peers advance beyond us, we saw that our early successes were more like rewards for our attractiveness as bright, pretty young things than actual steps on the ladder of professional achievement. We were just seen and judged differently, our ideas and accomplishments and attributes, both from our younger selves (though we were the same people) and from the men around us.

That’s still largely the prevailing pattern in the “adult world,” and not just corporate America. And while it’s hardly the only reason so many older women support Hillary Clinton (I’m happy to share my list with anyone at any time), it looms large for many of us.


Thank you for both your post and the correction.

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Sorry this election is Kathleen Kennedy Townsend v. Ehrlich.

Oh boy, is that the living truth or what. When I went back to college as a woman of a certain age, I loved and thoroughly enjoyed the “kids” and they gave me huge hope for the future, too. BUT, and this is a huge butt, I discovered that feminism is still quite unpopular, both with many of the young men, but also, with many of the young women.

I believe progress has been made regarding the struggle for equality of the sexes, but it is such slow going. I sometimes wonder what Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton would say about things today. If they could come to America for a look see, would they say, “Wowsa!,” or would they sniff and ask, “Is this all you got?” Prolly they would understand what it’s like to battle sexism and shake their heads with wry little smiles on their faces.

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Would someone please help me with punctuation on that “Wowsa!,” mess?

I’d probably just have chucked the comma; but I feel your pain… :smirk:

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