Discussion: In Candid Interview, E. Jean Carroll Describes Allegation Of Trump's Sexual Assault

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I saw her on Morning Joy. I feel bad because this isn’t going to make a lick of difference and she’s just going to be vilified or ignored.


[quote]Bush: It better not be the publicist. No, it’s, it’s her, it’s —

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.[/quote]


“Let’s say a woman who lives in Atlanta or Texas,” she continued. “She wants to tell the police about her husband. But that would have reverberations for her children, children her children go to school with, her church, her friends.

Yeah, women need to go to the police and be proactive in protecting themselves:

 JUNE 23, 2019
A woman in Florida was arrested for theft June 15 after turning her husband’s guns over to police. She was reportedly afraid for her life.

Courtney Irby, 32, of Bartow, Fla. allegedly went to her husband’s home on June 15, took two of his guns, and brought them to the Lakeland Police Department. This happened while her estranged husband, Joseph Irby, was in jail for allegedly trying to hit her with a car. He was arrested June 14 on domestic violence charges.

After Courtney Irby turned over the weapons, authorities arrested her and charged her with two counts of grand theft and one count of armed burglary.


I had to Google her over the weekend because never heard of her before.
I found this great Charlie Rose interview where she and Jimmy Breslin were talking about the relationship between women and men in 1995. Yes, she looked pretty damn good back then also:


Violent patriarchy, it is a concrete thing.


And now we graphically know exactly what he meant by that statement.


This, as described, is a rape, plain and simple.


22 credible accusations of sexual assault and forcible rape lodge against the man the the Republican Party nominated and elected to be president of the United States.

I am convinced that for most of the modern GOP, this is a feature, not a bug. The Republican Party in its current form is the greatest threat to democracy that this nation has faced since the Civil War.


Maybe you and I can come up with a plan to help women speak out without losing everything.”

Seems like a pretty good idea.


Alisyn Camerota had a great interview segment with Carroll. Her impression was very similar to mine: that after you read Carroll’s account just once, you know this is an open and shut case of rape, period. Perhaps it has something to do with Carroll’s talent as a writer, but there is just no way to read that section of her book and not conclude that Trump raped her.

The segment suggested that Carroll is still struggling with that notion. What Camerota was getting at (but didn’t say) is that if Carroll were to press criminal charges against Trump, she’d get Trump into a criminal trial and probably win. The reason for that (as Camerota pointed out) is that Carroll’s description follows almost the exact same pattern as about 15 others, except that in her case Trump succeeded in forcing intercourse. That’s rape. That’s what it is.

What I think Camerota was suggesting but didn’t come out and say (and I’ll speculate here) is that if you want Trump to be held accountable in a real way for all of his sexual misconduct, Carroll has to be the tip of the spear. Carroll thinks the only thing she can do is tell her story to help others come forward. No. She is the one that was enabled to come forward by the prior sacrifices of others.


Where was this woman in 2016? What changed?

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So, I don’t get it. She said, “No.” I understand that simply saying no is (sometimes, frequently, occasionally) insufficient today, and was less sufficient 25 years ago.

But why is it important for women to know that she fought back? I don’t get it. Can someone 'splain me?

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Yeah, read that story yesterday evening, put my blood pressure just a hair shy of boiling.

What a fucked-up country we’ve made for ourselves.


This story needs to stay in the news. I know a lot is going on in the world, but tRump’s sexual assaults NEED to stay front page news. How is it that this serial rapist and perpetrator of multiple sexual assaults (note, I do not say “alleged”, we have no reason to disbelieve these women), can just go on and NOTHING happens. This is absolutely outrageous. This story and those like it need to stay front and center and not be blown off the front page by tRump’s latest horseshit du jour.


It depends what kind of difference. He won’t be turned out of office as a direct result of this revelation, not when it’s one among 22. But there’s a rage building I don’t think normal polling techniques could capture.


Yes, he could murder someone in Times Sq. That’s cult thinking. Impossible to overcome.

There’s currently a case in CA involving the leader of the Luz del Monde (sp?) and charges of child porn, molestation etc. But, his parishioners regard him as some kind of “apostle”. Young girls cry hysterically on cue at prayer meetings for him. This is an analogue of Trump’s followers.


Living with her painful memories. What changed? Others came forward, appalled he’d been elected after all. Many were vilified, as she has been. Some of the criticism and anger came from our own side. Try to find some empathy. This is the side that has the empathy, remember? The side that understands the complexity of things and strives to be less judgmental. Or at least the side that ought to be all that.


It’s not important to women. It’s important to the men trying to imagine details into the story that would make it not rape.

