Discussion: In 2016, Trump Called Papadopoulos An ‘Excellent Guy.’ Today He’s A ‘Liar’


He’s an excellent guy, just the best. Really, trust me on this. I’m a smart guy, I know what I’m talking about. I only have the best people working for me.


2016: He’s an excellent guy! The best. I named one of my kids after him.

2017: Never heard of him. Lowlife scum. I changed my kids names because they sounded like his.

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Donnie was apparently thinking of another George Papadopolous, which is the Greek equivalent of John Miller…


Obviously, der Furor meant to say, “He’s an excellent liar.”



Not that throwing this dude under the bus is unexpected, but this showcases how childish and juvenile and downright stupid Trump really is. Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking skills could anticipate this outburst.

Trump call for an “investigation” of the Dems REALLY reeks of desperation and a ham-handed attempt to deflect. Does he really think Robert Mueller is going to drop this? If I was a Trump supporter, I would be insulted by this, but then again, anyone who continues to support Trump at this point is beyond embarassment.

Just wow…


The gift for understatement:

“Monday was a rocky day for the Trump administration and former members of his inner circle.”

On the other side of that, it was an extremely busy day for defense attorneys all across the D.C. area.:wink:


o/t … this is what the era of trump invites to the political table. The following is one of the strangest stories, riddled with obvious grift, that I have read in quite a long time. Thought others might find it interesting as well - it rather matches the surrealness emanating out of the white house.


The intro from the story:

HAVRE — Montana’s post-truth political power couple set the hook early. By the time anyone questioned the truthfulness of a married couple running as U.S. Senate candidates for opposing parties, the media had already
taken the bait.


There’s a logical explanation.
Like I1 always say, “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”
If being “a volunteer member of an advisory committee that met once2” isn’t Absolute Power, I don’t know what is.

1According to Yuckabee yesterday
2Me and somebody. It’s either Bobby Magee or Sir John Dalberg-Acton, 8th Baronet. Some guy from the gym.


We need a kind of progressive, rational doublethink in which you simultaneously recognize that this kind of convenient incongruity of views of a thing is wrong and bad, and also understand they do this all. the. time. about everything. You could spend all your time pointing out they said one thing last week and another today. Deficits are bad, deficits don’t matter, Bill Clinton’s a sexual assaulter, it was just locker-room talk, on and on. Of course it’s wrong. But it’s also constant. Not sure how to strike that balance on this.



See LibTards, papadoupawhatever isNt EvEn seated Close tO trumP. Fake NewS!


The Seethe Lord tweeted: Few people knew the young, low level volunteer named George

So what? Putin and his people knew who he was and who he represented and that’s all that matters.

Keep wriggling.


Trump: I have never met a Liar who is not excellent. Just look at my friends, family and each of my (ex)wives. I know what I am talking about.

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It’s amazing that Trump ‘hardly knows him’ BUT absolutely knows that he’s a liar and a low level volunteer that was really part of the campaign…uh huh. The BEST memory, right Donnie?

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I didn’t even know I was running for president. All these weirdos and crooks – all VOLUNTEERS – showed up at my home one day and shouted gobbledygook like ‘Wisconsin’ and ‘emails’. Very, very weird. I just passed out the brownies.

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Trump has run into the same problem that has long dogged autocrats. They assume power with many promises and then get bogged down and deliver nothing. In Trump’s case this has been faster than in, say, the Mussolini era. The TV now says that the GOP is laser-focused on “tax reduction” for their constituents, but it is nothing. Tax reform might be to adopt something like the Danish tax code, which is modern and robust. Public sector debt to GDP is just 37% compared to about 105% for the US. Danish taxation is aggressive, but you also get good value in terms of public goods and services.


“I used to advertise my loyalty and I don’t believe there is a single person I loved that I didn’t eventually betray.” ― Albert Camus, The Fall


Then: One of top foreign policy advisers.
Now: He was a low level volunteer that few people knew.

And he’s a proven liar. About contacts and communications with Russians. Kind of like Flynn, Sessions, Jr., Jared… Seems like George’s lies were just part of a pattern.


The difference between the two is we never called the Don an excellent guy and today, as with every day he is a liar.

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Now that the technology is available, how long will it be before we see a seamless video of Hillary burning a flag or Obama praising Trump? No holds barred on this one; this little public snit by Trump is just the barest tip is of a bullshit barrage that is going to be like nothing this or any country has ever seen. A cornered rabid skunk could not make the stink that this administration is going to make as the dominoes start to fall and even someone as unaware as Trump starts to feel reality closing in on him.