Discussion: Impeachment Fever! House Hardliners Find A New Way To Buck GOP Leadership

This is why we need Constitutional amendments for a Recall and taking redistricting out of the hands of state legislatures and putting it in the hands of a nonpartisan commission.


The so-called Freedom Caucus is as useless as tits on a boar hog.

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Of course they don’t have anything. It’s not about Koskinen. As the article said, it’s about riling up conservative voters ahead of the election so they are fired up enough to take the time to vote (for Trump and other Republicans of course).


I guess at this point, it’s beyond pointless to point out that the “targeting” scandal was directed generally at groups left and right who were illegally abusing the 501©(3) designation and that the Republicans have turned the search terms used to filter the ones on the right for human scrutiny into “targeting” while ignoring the search used to filter the ones on the left?

Because, hey, truth and facts are so Twentieth Century.


This is deplorable.


Geeze I wish these guys could settle on if Obama is tyrannical or weak. I mean their candidate says one thing and these guys another. I’m confused


It’s the conservative way!

Good point.

And as I recall, the progressive groups that were investigated were the only ones who had their tax-exempt status revoked.

And, of course, it was an entirely appropriate investigation to begin with


The battle is not the war.
The pendulum swings both ways.

They are not winning

Do the Freedom Caucus guys want to be a tiny faction of a minority party? Because I can’t imagine this is going to play well in purple states where it’s covered. Are they all really leftist sleeper agents?

Go ahead, idiots. You’d still need 2/3 of the Senate to convict.


Let’s hear something about this in the American media:

The Hard-line Republican Caucus at work.

Hey, maybe they can resurrect Fast and Furious while they’re at it. That shitshow went on for quite awhile too and went no where

So basically these teabagging idiots are going to let themselves go down the rabbit hole, led by their noses by a guy who won’t even be back and have to face the music come January, and by another dumbass that is running against a zillion other goofballs in LA? Great plan.

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Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

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“The desire to subject Koskinen to a show trial

stems from a deep attachment to Lenin-Stalin style communist tendencies.


They should all be impeached starting with Ryan who has no control over the ass holes

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Don’t hold your breath.

Nasty ass little twerps. My mama always said ‘what goes around comes around’ and these guys are gonna get it in spades.

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Aren’t these suspect Trump Foundation donations to Republican AGs exactly the sort of thing the IRS was trying to investigate?