Deplorable is as deplorable does.
Koskinen, who has been swept up in the so-called IRS “targeting scandal,” which pre-dated his appointment to the top spot at the IRS and in which he was not involved.
They got nuthin’ and yet they persist.
I really hope the next functionaries give them something real to complain about. In a good government sort of way, of course.
Someone got their feelings hurt when they were primaried. The toddler didn’t get his way so cue the tantrum.
I’d bet any amount that none of the media stories about this mention that progressive groups were also targeted as the conservative ones were. Obviously TPM ignored that too. Apparently that would take a couple of seconds of actual research to Google previous stories about the issue instead of simply regurgitating talking points.
“Show trials”? Seriously? This from the “Freedom” Caucus?
Good Lord the Irony is so thick you need a chain saw to cut it.
Maybe someone should ask the nominee about this?
No wait we’re just gonna watch the HRC video 20 more times before the top of the hour.
If that is all it takes to impeach someone then we should go after all of them with impeachment proceedings.
Get a “We The People” petition up to impeach the GOP congressmen for lying to the American people. They swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and to represent us. They are there representing the corporation and moneyed people not us.
Great. More time wasting.
I guess since they stopped laser focusing on JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! they have time to put on a circus show. Taxpayer funded, of course.
Oh! Look! Squirrel! Squirrel!
Of course the Deplorable Caucus will do anything, legal or extralegal, to corrupt and pervert our Nation, and our Nation’s ability to self govern…this is the Koch Brothers caucus…they are not patriots, they are not worthy of the “American” label…They support the destruction of democracy, and they are winning…
Sarah Binder, a senior fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution, told TPM, pointing specifically to “the remaining moderates in that conference who may be facing a tough election.”
Okay, Sarah. Name three “remaining moderates” in the Republican Conference who would have been called moderates in the Nixon Era.
Let’s stop referring to these reactionary righters as “moderates”, please. The center of the GOP is in Crazytown.
This election is about convincing guys with “please don’t hire me” tattoos on their faces, that their jobs were taken by someone else. Anyone else will do, except of course the white, male, American, business executives who actually make the decisions. Since deplorable is already taken, I’m going with Reprehensible.
Reprehensibles are more than happy to use Deplorables’ money and bodies to get elected, as long as Deplorables don’t ask too much in return. And stay the heck out of camera angle, for goodness’ sake@ This hearing is for them.
A bunch as useless as tits on a dead-ender.
Hah. I always thought the expression was “useless as tits on a bull” but yours will work too.
Make the Republican leadership defend the Commissioner of the IRS. Way to go, fellas.
Wasting my taxpayers dollars - that is all that the Freedom Caucus does. Amazingly, the people who re-elect these people have yet to figure out that they are sending people to Congress to burn cash and simultaneously complain about Gov’t wasting money. Boogles the mind.
Anything, anything to not do the job they were elected to do…ie govern.
Zika? Anyone? Bueller?