Discussion: 'I'm Back': Scalise Returns To Capitol For First Time Since Shooting


Yeah, we missed you sooooo much.

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Good for him. I’m sure his quick return is due, in part, to the excellent health care he received.

Something he ought to reflect on.


Trump: Finally TrumpCare will be the law of the land. We really missed that KKK fan.

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Glad he’s not dead yet. Otherwise, …otherwise, well,…aw, feh!


It’s wonderful that this guy survived a horrific attack but it had nothing to do with his religious belief and prayer. I wish people could move on from that silliness but the force is strong.

Timing, quick aid, great doctors and Rehab professionals are the reason why he’s alive today.


Maybe his brush with death will make a change that McCain’s seems to have. I won’t hold my breath, but hey it could happen.


I’m happy to see him doing well. But, his speech right now to congress is a bit odd. Yes, the religious references are over the top, but he also dwelled on the aspect of the gun play, the blood, etc, in a way that I find a bit inappropriate. He is almost enjoying the stardom that came from his shooting, citing the world leaders who contacted him. I’m struck by the comparison to Gabby Gifford’s words (statements, since she unfortunately can’t articulate clearly).


A lesbian cop, married to a woman, shot his assailant, which allowed help to get to him and evacuate him. Scalise owes his life to this woman’s bravery first. And then to all the medical professionals who saved him.

My guess:

He’s still against gay marriage
He still second amendment champion

I don’t wish he had died. But I wish he’d just go away.


As a non-believer I always find it interesting folks attribute healing to a mighty god and never cuss that all powerful god for letting shit happen in the first place. If asked to explain they usually go quiet, spout some lame excuse and/or lack of understanding that will make sense in the next world.

Edit: can can say I agree with them when they say everything happens for a reason, although what that reason is we have a “god” awful difference!

Edit: Another thing to have to wait for Jesus 2.0 or the next life, no racism…


Don’t forget! He also still wants to destroy any shot at adequate health care/insurance for millions of people.


Reminder Scalise is s Republican.


Yes, we are all glad that another person has not died due to gun violence. What a damn shame that this one has spent his career trying to get more guns into more hands, and also would happily take the excellent health care that he received to enable his recovery away from millions of others who are not so fortunate.


McCain’s return to maverickiness has everything to do with the fact that his prognosis is under 20% for recovery – that, and he really hates little Donnie.

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Yeah, that black lesbian LE who actually took out the shooter didn’t save your life. It was the white guy who gets that shout out.



Caught that too. Bigot is going to keep being a bigot.

“You have know idea how great this feels to be back here at work in the people’s House,” Scalise said on his return to the House floor, where he was greeted with sustained applause.

“know” idea? Seriously?

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And I’m guessing he’s not in favor of a living wage for the dozens of health care aides and rehab workers who will make his recovery possible.


It’s funny, too, because their god explained it all to them…

Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.