Fuck that!
I’d take Barron over Kushner. Get one grown-up in the room.
Because he’s done such a bang up job in the Middle East?
I’d take a throw-pillow over kush.
With or without tassels?
Kushner had been “pushing his own candidacy with Trump.” digging his own grave.
I can’t imagine why Kushner thinks this will be good for himself. Trumpers have a way of ending up in prison.
Without. I don’t want it to be a tassel.
Did that asshole ever get a high level security clearance? And if so, how the fuck did that happen?
Does it matter?
Trump probably still has a few more people on the list to turn him down first.
Trying to find a “groan” meme…
Hang on…
Pretty soon, the available “bench” for high-level Administration positions, including department secretaries, will consist solely of Trump’s appalling spawn and their spouses.
Oh please, do it!
Do it!
Just think of the entertainment value.
You could call it “I Love Ivanka” and have it be a modern-day sit com triangle.
Me? I’m still going for Caribou Barbie.
I’m not surprised. He can only trust family members not to “rat” on him.
Hysterical. He’ll be a real help liaising between the administration and the Hill. Stupid is as stupid does, Mr. Trump. Fucking idiot says it all.
Adjoining offices? Super!
It’ll be great practice for when they have adjoining cells
Too bad Trump doesn’t own a dog. He’d make a great CoS.
Mueller would never get a word out of the dog.
Only if he’ll cooperate with Mueller or the SDNY.