Discussion for article #239163
Vile and reprehensible, Chuck.
Bad choice, Chuck.
If so, then all I can say is you are pretty shameless, Senator.
Democratic fence-sitters coming out in favor means that even if they get to 60 votes in the Senate they won’t be able to override Obama’s veto. That drastically lowers Schumer’s political cost. No way he comes out against if he’s the vote that sinks the deal.
I’m no fan of Chuck Schumer or having him as a Senate leader, but I’ve read that this could be interpreted that there are not enough votes to override a veto if it came to that or it might even be passed on the vote. Per an article at Mother Jones it appears there aren’t that many Democrats opposing it.
Chuck has more allegiance to Israel than to the US. meh
Why not just move to Israel if you are going to represent them so slavishly?
Yes, but announcing it ahead of time does a lot more damage. This is shameless and disgusting. My shred of respect for this turd is gone.
First question is if he will try to move other Senators towards his position. The Second question is if he will become the Senate majority/minority leader. I hope the answers to both questions are NO!
F-him. Seriously.
Lost my vote chuck, and I live in NY.
I’m sure Obama would prefer he wait, but I have a hard time getting a handle on what concrete damage Chuck Schumer’s opposition does. If the deal goes through (especially without the need for a veto), then who cares? Not trying to be snarky, I just really want to know what the damage is.
I think the more important news is that Gillibrand is a yes, Schumer’s vote was always doubtful at best. That Gillibrand, with the exact same electorate, goes the other way is really heartening.
This is a watershed vote, though, no doubt about it. We have seen, disastrously, how these things go, Iraq being exhibit number one. Dubya’s invasion accomplished exactly nothing other than strengthening Iran and destabilizing the entire Middle East. We are still paying for it today, and will for decades.
If what HuffPo reports is true, it’s clear that Chuck Schumer learned nothing from that disaster. Whether his vote is decisive in the end or not is beside the point: someone so obtuse on such a crucial issue is not fit to lead Dems in the Senate, period. He is too close to Wall Street and too close to Israel, while what we need is a leader in the Senate who will stand up for the American people and Democratic principles. With this regrettable decision Schumer has shown that he is not that man. We need to look elsewhere, and fast.
He has three masters. In order, himself, AIPAC and Wall Street. He is one of the people in DC that represents what is wrong with DC.
And the rest of your post explains why quite clearly. I’m a NYer, and I can’t stand the bastard.
will be asking my Dem Senator to support Obama/Kerry … and oppose Schumer for Senate leader.
so, does anyone still believe Chuck voted for the Iraq war because of the Bush administration’s lies?
I’m from Minnesota, and I’m proud of my Jewish senator, Al Franken who supports the president, and supports Israel in a measured way.
Well, Israel’s senator has spoken.
And this will cost him nothing as far as being the next Senate leader.