Is Chuck to quietly oppose or is he to make a big deal of fighting a terrible, dangerous deal, etc.? Some say it’s the way he panders to ignorance and jingoism, rather than the actual decision, that’s key.
UPDATE: “Advocates on both sides have strong cases for their point of view that cannot simply be dismissed.” Ah, so he’s delivering the bad news while blowing all a kiss. Mild rebuke only, and this means I think he’s going to allow the deal to go through without a real fight. Probably very crafty: He allows Obama to win while protecting his flanks by formally voting no.
Missed the Gillibrand news, which is very good. I’ve voted for Sen. Schumer since his first Senate election, and if he’s the Democratic nominee the next time his seat’s up, I will vote for him again. But I don’t think he deserves to be Majority Leader after this display of comparative loyalties.
Chuck Schumer cannot be trusted. I hope he faces a strong primary challenger and loses. I am sure many of his constituents and supporters are now looking forward to voting for his opponent.
+100 Our third Senator back here in NY. Stood just ahead of him in a freezing cab rank outside Penn Station last February. Couple of Bridge & Tunnel kids tried to cut the line, and behind me I heard a very distinctive “Hey, there’s a line”. On the job, all the time.
I wouldn’t necessarily say that he won’t suffer some sort of retribution for not supporting the deal. It seems to me that the “Liberman” days are pretty much done with and thank the risen Lord for that! Schumer may face much more of an uphill battle getting to Majority Leader. I’m not saying he’s dooooomed. I’m just saying that he’ll probably face more push back than before he decoded to sell us out to Israel.
Great Senator. It has nothing to do with being Jewish. Jews are people too. Some good, some bad. Franken good, Schumer bad. Actually Franken real good, Schumer real bad…
I’m a NY’er and I can tell you that his support is very strong with his main constituents, that being Wall Street and a certain sector of New York Jews HOWEVER, the demographics of this city are changing and I wouldn’t say that his reelection was in the bag if the right candidate were to challenge him. Who could that be? Not really sure…
I am profoundly disappointed in your statement rejecting the agreement that President Obama and other world leaders negotiated with Iran on their nuclear capabilities. I understand that the deal is flawed. But I believe your alternative is still more flawed. The US can not unilaterally strengthen sanctions in a meaningful way; do you believe it will be possible to work with with other countries to strengthen sanctions if we single-handedly scupper the agreement in question? Undercutting this agreement even has the potential to weaken international resolve to maintain sanctions at current levels. It certainly diminishes our claims to leadership.
In sum, I fear that if the deal is rejected, it will compromise our security, the security of Israel and our global leadership. It is hard to see how I would be able to continue supporting you should your statement lead to this outcome. Your decision saddens me greatly.
It’s not so much that Schumer places Israel above the US. In voting against a deal that will make Israel safer, he places Israel’s current leaders above the US.
Yep. Had my fill of Blue Dogs and supporting Blue Dogs to have them bail on the president and the party in the crunch. Am not voting for him again either. Ever.