Discussion: Huckabee: If Brown Was 'Something Other Than A Thug' He'd Be Alive

Discussion for article #230773

This from a man who’s own son tortured dogs…


Mike Huckabee, you are contemptible. Every reasonable person, regardless of their views on the allocation of responsibility / justification, acknowledges that this is a horrendously painful situation and a perfect world, would not have unfolded in this way. There is more than enough sorrow to go around - and yet, you , an ordained minister, choose to throw salt in to wounds. Realistically , who exactly are you addressing when you chose to call Michael Brown a “THUG”? what part of the reparative process is this serving? This is inflammatory talk that simply panders to ignorant outsiders.
Truly despicable!


Who the hell asked you a damn thing, Huck?

NewsMax TV

Oh. I see. It fits, I guess: NewsMax TV is small enough to be an echo chamber. Carry on, then.


Huckabee is lucky playing bad music in a TV house band doesn’t get you shot. His bullet riddled corpse would be unrecognizable.

Hucklebuckle is trying to show off what a macho, racist pig he is…in order to impress his base.

He’ll never be POTUS, but the Corpulent Hierophant will certainly reap him some Teabagger money.


Also, if Darren Wilson hadn’t acted like a mob enforcer.


Old, never to be President moron says what?

Same thing every other old, never to be President white moron might say.


“I’m gonna tell you something — what gets you shot is when you grab a police officer’s gun, and you lunge at him, and you try to hit him in the face”

Sorry, but no. That only justifies self defense in the form of lethal retaliation when you have a packed grand jury, a white cop, a dead black kid and a lazy, malpracticing, biased pig prosecutor looking for fame and the support from the police organizations and GOPers/Teatrolls/conservatives in his future political career.


“And this nonsense that — telling young people don’t hold up your hands, 'cause thats gonna get you in trouble,”

I absolutely love how they are literally deliberately mischaracterizing what the gestures is intended to mean and actually conveys in order to strawman their hissy fit.


Huckabee needs to be honest. What he is really trying to say, “All blacks have obviously done something ‘bad’ and DESERVE to die. The fact that they are black is proof positive that death is the ONLY option for any law abiding white citizen.”


Clearly Huckabee perceives that, for him, it is more advantageous for people to get even more whipped up and enraged - than it would be to strike a more conciliatory tone and seek a long term resolution to the situation.


You mean if he had been white, Mike?


something other than a thug

And Mike Huckabee would be on his way to Heaven if he were something other than a right-wing nutjob pseudo-pious ranting racist pig.


Don’t hold back now. Tell us how you really feel!

He was a teenaged boy. He acted like a teenaged boy.
Unfortunately, for dirtbags like Huckabee, [teenaged boy] + [black] = “thug.”

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And if Huckabee had a son who raped a girl he wouldn’t even get thrown off the football team.

But there’s no such thing as white privilege.


He’s right. If he was an armed, mass-murderer and white he would be alive.

So what’s wrong with this picture?


That alone gets a like from me.

Southern god botherer about to run for president calls black teenager a ‘thug’ because as Lee Atwater said, ‘You can’t say “nigger, nigger, nigger” anymore.’ I think we’ve all figured out what thug means in the mouth of a conservative.