Discussion: Huckabee: If Brown Was 'Something Other Than A Thug' He'd Be Alive


Thug = Nigger in GOPese.


Mike Huckabee could have been a Christian today, if he behaved like something other than a self-righteous, opining thug.


I am surprised Huckabee did not pick up on the fact that Mike Brown was in fact much worse than a thug. Did not Officer Wilson already provide proof that Brown was a DEMON, the personal emissary of Satan himself. Good ting Wilson had silver bullets in his gun.


Michael Brown would also be alive today if Darren Wilson were less of an incompetent cop.

Regardless of everything else, how does a confrontation with a shoplifter escalate to a deadly force shooting? An armed man in a car faced a hugely out-of-shape unarmed thief and Wilson could not control the situation.


How ironic that Fuckabee would be a human being were he not such a fat fucking worthless racist tool.

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The Huckster must be due for a new Caddy.

So the preacher sez jeezz-us-not-you in his loving grace wanted Brown dead so he gave Brown the spirit of a thug, or maybe the exuberance of youth, but that’s practically the same thing when melanin is present.
also…The Lard wants you to remember the parable of the poor widow who gave all she had, and so, to save your grubby little soul from damfire and hellnation you had best -
send the Huck a buck.

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I’ve started to wonder what, in his final terrified moments, Michael Brown thought Wilson was.

Of course, Wilson ensured we never get to find out.

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It would make for a nice master thesis for someone to actually document this.

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“Thug.” Watch it carefully. It’s only use is to dehumanize people. We humans have inalienable rights and even criminals are protected by the due process clause. But if you’re a thug? Not so much.

“Thug” is just a spam-filter safe spelling of “ni&&er”.


Michael Brown would probably be alive if any cop other than Darren Wilson had stopped him walking home from the store on that fateful day.


“”“Huckabee: Mike Brown Would Be Alive If He Was 'Something Other Than A Thug”""

Says the actual racist THUG, THUGABEE!
What a joke, from a fossil who couldn’t care less one way or the other as he’s part of the privileged skin color & has too little character to want justice for a murdered boy, vilifying teh dead boy instead. How vile is that? Tells you right there who’s the actual thug, the d0uche defending the murder of an unarmed boy.

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IKR. Cliven Bundy and his posse of miscreants are all alive in spite of their standoff with feds. Hmm, black guys would be 6 feet under now.


I think what he meant was that Brown would be alive were int not for a thug with a badge.


And Huckabee would be a human being if he was something other than a white supermacist teavangelical.


Let me translate:
Huckabee: “Mike Brown would be alive today if he were white.”
(implying that is was his fault he was 'Walking while Black" which deserves a Death Penalty")

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That just may be the best comment I’ve read on Michael Brown’s death.

The real thugs are giving another thug with a badge a pass in the chokehold murder case of a black man deemed a homicide by the coroner. There you go, is proof needed many of these thuggish people don’t care about justice just giving a legal pass to the murder of dark skinned kids. People need to boycott, do whatever necessary to peacefully protest. This is ridiculous, this must change. The feds will just have to step in, it’s on freaking video. What the heck.

The South has risen again, and it is using Fox as the Bully Pulpit to demonize black people once again.


And three police officers in Tacoma, WA would be alive today if huck had not pardoned a murderer who ‘found god’


Yeah…well, they never did stop.