Discussion: Howard Dean: Sanders Is A 'Phenomenon' And An Upset Can't Be Dismissed

Discussion for article #240237

I agree with Dean and would like to add he probably would have won over W in 2004 if it weren’t Kerry’s turn to run. Kerry is a great man but was a piss poor Presidential candidate.


A meteor is also a phenomenon–very bright and very brief. Let’s see how Bernie, a very bright guy, fares after Iowa and NH.


Feel the Bern!


I’m not so sure. My conservative brother likes him and he doesn’t follow politics at all. He actually brought him up in a conversation a few days ago which was an odd thing for him to do.


Anything is possible. Is it probable, though? No, not really.

I have absolutely nothing against Bernie. I’d vote for any qualified Democrat who runs against a GOP candidate. However, Bernie’s run is highly unlikely to have lasting momentum or expand further than his very specific and very motivated subset of supporters.

I do like how he’s moving the Democratic Primary conversation in a much more progressive direction, though.

The basic fact here is that the Democratic Primaries aren’t the GOP Primaries. The Dem Primaries just aren’t dominated by a specific small subset of their base.


My vote still belongs to Bernie. Hillary has done nothing to earn my vote. I’m waiting for a clear and unequivocal stand on preserving Social Security, and no Obama-style make-it-stronger-by-cutting-benefits or “grand bargain” to trade Social Security away for something else.


I agree his chances are slim to none, but anything is possible.

Huge fan of Bernie here.

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“I think that puts Hillary head and shoulders above everybody else in the race.”"

The only thing that puts Hillary head and shoulders above Bernie is a potential $2 BILLION war chest. She has an impressive resume just like Bush Sr did. That’s it.

EDIT: Wasn’t meant for you but … whatever.

  1. Of late I find myself reminded of 1972.

Yes he “could.” And Joe Biden “might” be running. Or none of that could happen. Or all of it. Excitement!

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Same format as a weather report.

So, Howard is capable of reading polls – like those three in a row that have Bernie over Hillary in NH, and actually increasing his lead over her.

Doesn’t take a genius to recognize that the guy leading in the first in the nation primary has a real shot at making an impact in the race.


More silly headlines to try to make the story something it’s not. I watched the Governor go tooth and nail with Thomas Roberts who just couldn’t get it into his thick head that she has no obligation to turn over personal email. He thinks it would be good to rifle through her personal emails looking for anything possible. I wonder how he’d like to do the same with his personal emails.

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But that quote is from your former guy for President. He’s actually correct in the scheme of things. I wish it were different but Bernie will not be the democrats nominee

If anyone doesn’t mind I’ll keep throwing Bernie $50 every other week.


It could just be talk, but I have heard from a couple of conservatives - one a family member and the other an acquaintance - that they would consider voting for Bernie Sanders, ESPECIALLY if the alternative is Jeb Bush. They really like that he can’t be bought. I don’t know if they can overlook the whole OMG SOSHULISM thing once the general election gets underway and the GOP fear and loathing propaganda Wurlitzer cranks up.

Hillary on the other hand… she seems like a safe bet but I wouldn’t agree with that. Rightly or wrongly, she is damaged goods thanks to the dedicated Clinton smear machine. Plus, average voters are tired of having to choose between Tweedledee and Tweedledum. The worst possible matchup for voter turnout would be Bush v Clinton.


The guy trailing by 18 points in the first caucus and electoral contest? And is trailing by 30 points in the latest poll from SC?

He is doing well in a neighboring state whose electorate resembles nothing else in this country. I suppose you are right, his wife should start making those decoration plans for the White House now.

Oh, and the “increase”? 2 points…WELL within the margin of error.

So right now, Sanders loses badly in Iowa, wins a close one in NH, and gets blown out of the water in SC and NV, before rolling into a Super Tuesday in the South, where things get even worse.

If he is your guy, you should.

I’ve heard this before… The comparison is bogus. And ignores for the purposes of dismissing Sanders the very real effect that the events surrounding that year’s VP picks had on the results.

Comparing it to 2004 is actually more apt. (albeit imperfect). The establishment and perceived more electable candidate gets the nomination early based on this percieved strength, they then prove to be a lackluster candidate have their strength turned around to weakness by the opposing party(aided by MSM) and go on to lose, leaving the party wishing they nominated the guy from VT.

We still have time to head off a repeat of this. Even a long hard caught primary (unlike 2004) with the establishment candidate prevailing would help immensly. It airs the desires of a portion of the party which need acknowledgment. This public exchange is key.(also primary=free media) And democrats need not be embarrassed by their ideas being discussed publicly.

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