Tongue in cheek perhaps — but some balance would be helpful. Stating what the letter is and how the partisan comments are the overreach is necessary.
It should also be illegal to bring a wolverine into a grocery store. Even a service wolverine. They could attack little girls. Legislatures across the land should pass laws against it.
So a public restroom is the most personal and private setting in a conservative’s life?
In that same vein, a post in the National Review declared that “the Obama administration just destroyed the traditional American public school.”
Sorry National Review, in the 1950s growing up in Central PA I went to Catholic Schools, in the mid-50s my family moved to Eastern NC and once again I attended Catholic Schools. In both cases the facilities were gender neutral. In both cases the facilities had 2 doors one marked boys the other girls, in both cases the doors would open to the same room. One side, closest to girls door, was all stalls, the other side closest to boys door found a row of urinals. Down the center were sinks.
It is definitely perverse.
How conservatives singularly obsess on this aspect, that is. For the possibility also exists that women “are allowed” open access to boys in bathrooms. That aspect doesn’t get mentioned by them because (a) either they want to pretend they’d like it, or (b) they’re absolutely terrified at the humiliation of it.
My guess is (b) because conservative men — fine, upstanding pillars of the community as pure as the driven snow — don’t realize that women … sorry, girls… don’t publicly display anything in their bathrooms, unlike men.
Stalls, you see.
Conservatives are simply using this issue to indulge their perversions.
Predatory adult Republican legislators!
This is too small a ball to be fighting over to put other important stuff at risk, and I resent it. Is this a fight that had to be picked right now? I am personally ambivalent about it, as it deals with competing privacy interests, and to me, there is just a lot more at stake in the coming election than arguing about who goes to what bathroom. Bullying, etc can be addressed without worrying about bathrooms. This is not the same as a race question. We have environmental, foreign relations, health care, and all sorts of other issues that mean a lot to tens of millions of people at stake.
I just hope the conservatives never see their own shadow, it will scare them to death!!
This 74 year old female has probably used the same restroom as transgendered my entire 74 years without being aware or worried!!!
Come on, you know what Pat Mcrory’s response to that would be…
“Further proof of the depravity of the dirty, devil worshiping papists that we must protect our children from, as well as the transgender menace!!”
A bearded man in a business suit walks into a woman’s restroom. A police officer stops him and questions his gender. He provides the officer his birth certificate, reflecting he was born female at birth. He’s transgender, and has completed sexual reassignment surgery. He lives in a state that compounds his troubles by having passed laws denying him the right to change his birth certificate to reflect his current sex. This is what conservatives want?
“The biggest issue facing families and schools in America since prayer was taken out of public schools.” And taking prayer out of the public schools (which happened half a century ago–I know, because I told my homeroom teacher that reading passages from the Bible violated the Constitution a few months before the Supreme Court held that it did) has done immeasurable harm to education.
Do I need to say that apostles of ignorance should stay out of education?
You’re missing the point of this kind of legislation.
It has nothing to do with privacy or any civil right issue.
It has everything to do with building a boundary to define conservative orthodoxy; more pointedly, to declare who can and who cannot belong to their movement.
They run this one out of the fundamentalism playbook: The intentional creation of scandalous issues as a trope that declares their cosmic struggle against the unwashed.
Yeah! Civil rights should take a backseat to other things…
I mean seriously should we really be picking a fight over where people sit on the bus, It doesn’t really affect me, and we have more pressing matters like stopping the Red Meance!
Seriously, when it comes to stuff like this there is no “better time”, if we waited for this nebulous “better time” gay people would still not be allowed to get married.
I am sick of the creeps in conservative media. Now I am going to have to endure months or years of howling about a virtually non-existent problem and some common sense “guidance” from the Obama administration. Instead of dealing with the merits of the non-existent problem they move directly to the end of America as they think they know it. All the while Clear Channel and others in the white, er right, wing media are raking in money from advertisers eager to sell to the racist cretins listening to every word.
When will it end. .More importantly when will progressives get to set the agenda.
Everything Obama has done has caused a conservative freakout. Even the most inconsequential of things, up to including the mere fact of existing, has caused a conservative freak out. Things he’s done that his Republican predecessors have done has caused conservatives to freak out. These bathroom laws need to be challenged and quashed, but as far as conservative whining goes I say let them bitch and moan. It’s just the icing on a cake made from the tears of a dying, bigoted, hateful ideology.
Actually, the administrators at the Boy Scouts of America were worried enough about this issue that they established different showering schedules for men over 18 at scout camps.
Sadly, there was some precedent for needing to do so…
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ® lamented that Obama is “trying to cram down as many parts of his liberal agenda on the United States of America as he possibly can.”
Thanks Obama. This totally makes my day!
I’m calling extreme bullshit on conservatives who think Obama wrecked public schools over this bathroom thing. Conservatives started the fight, not democrats. They were the ones who has a hissy fit, not democrats. Here in AZ Gov. Doug Ducey is well known for his hatred of public education. Note his refusal to accept a court ordered repayment of $350 million to K-12 over the money skimmed by the state to help balance the budget in 2009. TODAY is a special election on this issue. It’s complicated but the short version is Ducey cut a deal with the court and is still trying to wiggle out of the order by throwing it to the voters. Ducey is a skinflint thug in my considered opinion. We have way more than enough money on and to shower all sorts of goodies on K-12, it’s just that Ducey hates public education.
When enough decide to VOTE.
These Right Wingers who are complaining fail to realize that President Obama’s directive that students be allowed to use the restroom that corresponds with their gender identity actually makes it more difficult for would-be molesters to carry out their crime.
Previously, if a guy wanted to do harm to women in a restroom, all he had to do was walk in and do it. Now, as Republicans have pointed out, he’ll have to put on a dress and claim that he identifies as female.
That’s an extra step, and one that requires some effort. Republicans should be thanking President Obama for taking steps to protect our daughters.