The GOP speaks only to the converted who still believe that Obama is the Devil.
Yes, and the GOP are going to “win” this like they"won" the single-sex marriage issue…short-term hot button issue, then bam, the Constitution kicks in.
Grasping at disappearing imaginary 1950s-style straws instead of dealing with 21st century reality. Losers in multiple sense of the word.
paving the way for predatory adult men to share bathrooms with young girls
These hypothetical predators are collectively known as “Bathroom Bills”.
(h/t Seth Meyers)
Aren’t republicans worried that predatory adult men will share bathrooms with young boys?
The Conservatives are always pining for a time when things were “better” in America. It was, of course, a time when schools were segregated, women were second-class citizens, and gays were treated like scourges. I prefer the present, thank-you.
Destroying the traditional American public school has been a conservative priority for forty years.
Very true. Once the public school system is destroyed, the untermenschen can be under-educated into a permanent class of low-paid serfs (or sharecroppers, if you will), while the children of privilege can continue to receive an education so they may perpetuate the aristocracy of the Ruling Class.
Just as Jeebus intended.
Make all facilities unisex and gender-neutral. Problem solved.
I presume there are only male janitors that look after the little girls room ? /s
they’re only outraged when the House pages don’t show up on time like they were told.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton ® said in a Friday statement. “If President Obama thinks he can bully Texas schools into allowing men to have open access to girls in bathrooms, he better prepare for yet another legal fight.”
I don’t know about how they do things in Texas, but here in Virginia, I know for a fact that student bathrooms are for students – not just any adult Tom, Dick, Harry, Linda, Beth and so on. Unless parent or guardian is visiting the school, there are no men going into the boys’ bathrooms or women going into the girls’ bathrooms. So that’s another Republican lie.
True, but let´s not pat ourselves too freely on our Democratic backs. Read Diane Ravitch’s critique of what Arne Duncun did to public schools.
When Obama was elected, many educators and parents thought that Obama would bring a new vision of the federal role in education, one that freed schools from the test-and-punish mindset of George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind. But Arne Duncan and Barack Obama had a vision no different from George W. Bush and doubled down on the importance of testing, while encouraging privatization and undermining the teaching profession with a $50 million grant to Teach for America to place more novice teachers in high-needs schools. Duncan never said a bad word about charters, no matter how many scandals and frauds were revealed.
A woman who turned out to be transgender and who uses men’s bathrooms entered a NC bathroom so he/she could molest little boys. Conservatives are not interested in this, they only use little girls as being in danger. Why are conservatives so one-sided? Why do they fear things that have never happened? Of course the example I gave never happened.
Hell there was no country left for it to be in since he already destroyed that so why the hell not destroy the schools… god damn cock sucking mus lum!
Conservative men politicians don’t what you watching the conserative men politicians going into the boy’s room. Why? No particular reason.
Being perpetually aggrieved must be exhausting.
Where I live, men and women have been using unisex bathrooms for years to stop the long lines of women waiting to use the bathroom. Best to teach such egality to children at a young age. In schools you can have monitors like all classrooms/halls usually do.
Or cleaning ladies who take care of the little boys rooms…
Because conservatives only have manly boys, who are able to take care of themselves.
Also: Dennis Hastert, et al.