Actually, Argentina gave their highest humanitarian award for non-Argentinians to Carter, in part for his policies and statements concerning the 3,000 + people “disappeared” during their long “dirty” war. It was announced there. When the Objectionable Object complained to Argentina’s prez (himself part of Argentina’s 1%), he made inquiries, but was told that since the award had announced publically, it could not be rescinded.
What the OO did was say no, when the Argentinian pres asked for a schedule change for his WH visit, so he could stop in Georgia and present the award to Carter personally. I expect Maduro will make another visit soon, with Georgia as the 1st or only stop. Honor conferred, public hoohaw delayed.
Hopefully the Republicans blow up the ACA, one way or another…before the 2018 election: it is the only way Dems have a chance of getting the House back and countering Trump.
It is so blatantly obvious that the prime GOP objective to to REPEAL anything and everything that the black man Obama did while he was in office.
Absolutely! A racist coup to the first black president was their prime motivator. Before Obama, no one thought how entrenched racism was still in many parts of the country. Indeed, some became / even more racist–best example is the police. Who’d ever thought a scumbag from NYC could become POTUS, especially a Republican?
Wow, nothing makes Paul Ryan get excited and upbeat as much as taking healthcare away from tens of millions of Americans and putting them at risk of dying.
And still, he and the rest of these subhumans called “Republicans” keep getting elected.
Our country is so fucked.
I got through on the third call. Hope it registers. My rep, name of Lloyd Smucker, claims to be undecided but he strikes me as a business dude who believes the propaganda. Every time I call I get an e-mail thanking me for corresponding and talking about how the ACA is collapsing and making premiums skyrocket and kidnaping the Lindbergh baby and causing all sorts of problems. I told them they could stop sending me that.
My wife and son bought their own policies when it was cheaper to do so, than to buy them into the group insurance of the Native American tribe which employs me. This is because the insurance company was charging the tribe an outrageously discriminatory rate.
Still, she paid $450 a month for a catastrophic plan that paid for nothing she or he actually ever used.
I suspect a slow erosion of health insurance benefits is coming. Why? Because in the 10 or so years we’ve been debating Obamacare— which was about covering more people—nothing has been done to reign in medical cost inflation. It’s pretty clear that if the insurance companies or the patients could effectively put price pressure on, we wouldn’t have medical inflation running well ahead of inflation.
Without attacking all the ways providers increase costs — and the US pays significantly more than European countries for the same procedure or drug---- medical costs and therefore insurance costs will continue to rise.
The vulnerability of all protections from healthcare to financial good sense was the design of think tanks under the KOCH money influence and power. It has been their design to weaken everything that has been good for the American Workers’ bank acct, and everything that has been good for their Education, Health and Retirement. They are unstoppable so long as the American VOTER turns a blind eye to the truth about that power. Awakening the citizens is what this is about. To put the truth about how their own lives are impacted by these CHEATS, THIEVES, LIARS is the only way to sway them. Keep it up, relentlessly putting it in their faces.