Discussion: How O'Care Repeal's Weakening Of Protections Could Affect Employer Plans

This will be handled through reconciliation, thus avoiding the 60-vote threshold. If it passes the House, it will pass the Senate, as well.

But there seem to be some doubts that elements of this bill would qualify for reconciliation.


ā€œgiven the ambiguity of the regulatory languageā€

Just remember that Justice Gorsuch was recently added to the Supreme Court. He interprets every word in the most narrow sense, by the dictionary he chooses, and with the most conservative of meaning. If this ambiguity stands, we will soon be having Louisiana or Alabama dictate the law for the entirety of the US.


Even if Price wants to interpret that language so as not to kill tens of thousands of people a year (and thatā€™s an even bet at best) there will be lawsuits from the usual evil-wingnut groups to compel him to interpret the language in the most toxic way possible. And shareholder suits against companies that donā€™t cut beneftis. And we know how the judiciary is stackedā€¦

Theyā€™ll figure out a way. There are freedoms and rights to eliminate. They will find a way to damn the American people.

The bill protects members of Congress from being subject to pre-existing condition cuts. The chutzpah of these greedy GOP fucks is beyond measure.


So, they are clinging to their guns, biblesā€¦ and Obamacare?


ā€œIf Obama did it, it must be repealed!ā€

Not just Obama. I read that Argentina was going to present former Democratic President Carter with an award, but that Trump talked them out of it.

The Repukes are going after ANY, maybe EVERY Democrat that has ever done good things for people. Every one.

I hope history deals the Rs a very harsh, unforgiving hand. They have earned it.


Does shalacking have a sound? If it does, itā€™s coming this way in 2018. Frump, release tour taxes. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/immediately-release-donald-trumps-full-tax-returns-all-information-needed-verify-emoluments-clause-compliance

Since a lot of large employers are really price sensitive I am pretty sure they are going to be tempted to reduce coverage to save money. This law will be a giant step backward for a lot of employees.

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My 'critterā€™s phone has been constantly busy today, too. I sent the waste of oxygen an email last night. I told him to do the right thing, but heā€™s going to vote the party line.


Iā€™m not sure about this. I donā€™t see this as being the bill for which Mitch will sacrifice the power - and the cover-their-asses value - of filibuster. Thereā€™s too much to lose politically with this one. Now, when another juicy bill that carries less political risk comes down the pipe, I see Mitch dropping the filibuster in a heartbeat. Iā€™ll be very surprised, however, if he does it for this one.

This is what happens when you ram a bill through without analysis and without most membersā€™ even having a chance to read it.

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Updated Mitch McConnell: ā€œThe single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a zero-term president.ā€


In fairness, if it isnā€™t right before midterms, itā€™s right before the general. There just isnā€™t a good time to do something this stupid. Not that Kevin and Paulie and the gang are going to let that stop them.

He adds words, too, like ā€œmerelyā€ (as in ā€œmerely more than de minimisā€ educational benefit), which he added to the standard for what special education students are entitled to under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This was the standard invented by Gorsuch in the Tenth Circuit that the Supreme Court struck down unanimously in Endrew F. v. Douglas County, which came down just as Gorsuch was being asked about it in his confirmation hearing.


He really got under their skin. Shame they canā€™t repeal Iraq. Guess that wonā€™t work, it was a Republican venture.

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They can take everything away, they can cut his income, they can make his life miserable. But he will still be Barack Obama. That is what really gets them. Just like all the crap they threw at Hillary. She is still Hillary Clinton. They will never have the open and honest goodwill these two people receive.

Under all the Republican muck, that burns.


Has anyone noticed that the ā€œParty of Lifeā€ has some peculiarly ironic policies? No abortion or birth control for you, little ladies, because every life is SOOOO precious; but how DARE you bitches expect us menfolk to subsidize your prenatal and maternity care!!!


The bottom line is that the more we pay for health care, the more ā€œdonationsā€ career Republican politicians can get from their business buddies.