Discussion: How O'Care Repeal's Weakening Of Protections Could Affect Employer Plans


“Unintended consequences??”

Not in the Gooper lexicon.


I can see many large corporate employers doing nothing to eliminate the EHBs in their plans, seeing that it’s essential to attract and retain good employees. However, there will be some employers that would jump at the chance to severely limit or eliminate mental health benefits and maternity care. to save money It isn’t that long ago that women had to carefully time their pregnancies (family planning!!) to coincide with company health benefits. It’s coming back, folks.


This definitely falls into the category of news I needed, not news I wanted. It just became personal.


I hope there are a lot of other folks out there that get this news quickly.

Too many have let this slide because they figure they’re safe with their employer coverage.

And, of course, this is one of many reasons why the Goopers want this passed before anyone has time to look closely. I hope word gets out FAST.


In other news, first my Congressional rep’s phone had a busy signal this morning and then it said “All circuits are busy. Please try your call later.” He’s a first-termer, not too bright, didn’t realize he was signing up for a suicide mission.


Precisely. Most Americans getting insurance through their employer think that the whole Obamacare issue does not affect them. Rude awakenings coming.


Yep. Letting them get away with this is negative reinforcement, like feeding a dog that’s begging at the table. What they want to do today is take away insurance from people without an employer-based plan so rich people can have more money. If they can do that, there’s a couple obvious next steps the plutocrats will be lusting for.


I hope the new CBO score is released a half hour after the vote is closed. It’d be just what these fuckers deserve for being so dumb and sadistic.


It is so blatantly obvious that the prime GOP objective to to REPEAL anything and everything that the black man Obama did while he was in office. Anything he did must be repealed! The GOP must remove him from the history books, lest anyone be led to believe that he did anything worthwhile and positive for this nation. Repeal his dedication of national monuments! Repeal his establishment of affordable health care. Repeal his protections for ALL Americans, regardless of sexual orientation or gender, or race, or ethnicity, or cultural origin, or religion. Repeal his actions to protect the environment. Repeal his regulations on Wall Street. Repeal! Repeal! Repeal! It doesn’t matter what it is. If Obama did it, it must be repealed! Repealing his accomplishments is far more important to the GOP than actually helping to improve the lives of all Americans. If Obama fixed it, the GOP must break it again! Prime Objective #1!!!


Maybe better to release it just one hour before, so they can choke once again when the sharper grifters catch wind of the dismal news and pull their votes…


And cut his pension too.


This is the socially acceptable punch in the nose that the Obama haters always wanted – though, I suspect, they wanted to deliver that punch literally.


$8 billion over 5 years is a drop scam in the bucket …lies from the liars.


This guy knows of what he speaks… $25 BILLION PER YEAR…IS WHAT WILL BE NEEDED AND NOT ADEQUATE. …



American’s stock took a bigger hit when they announced higher wages for their employees than United’s did after the release of that “deplaning” incident. I predict boards will happily reintroduce lifetime caps and medieval discrimination against their female employees, and their shareholders (the same people getting the tax cuts) will have their wealth increased still further.

@cub_calloway No, they’ve drunk the Kool-Aid this time. Even the hard "No"s sound like they’ll vote yes because “Rah, Rah!” and their proud history of falling in line for terrible legislation.


You perfectly described my sister-in-law. Her husband was a police officer with VERY good insurance for her entire family. She has zero understanding of how the ACA works, or how the insurance industry, in general, works because she’s always had everything she could hope for in health insurance.

She also believes oil only takes 20 years to regenerate. Just look at Texas. Her oldest grandson is about to become a well-paid fracking engineer.


It just became personal.

HC eventually becomes personal for almost everyone. And when it becomes legislated it’s hard for voters not to become informed. Pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant? Fine, but it will be considered a pre-existing condition. Just so you know.

Another scissor stab by the GOP self-mutilators bringing harm to one and all. Hail Satan, eh, Steve? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Who knew such winning meant a significant blood loss?


Derp City (With Apologies to Jan and Dean)

11 Boys for every girl
I bought a ‘30 Ford wagon and we call it a woodie
(Derp City, here we come)
You know it’s not very cherry, it’s an oldie but a goodie
(Derp City, here we come)
Well, it ain’t got pre-existing condition coverage
But it still gets me where I wanna go
And we’re goin’ to Derp City, ‘cause it’s 11 to one
You know we’re goin’ to Derp City, gonna have some fun
You know we’re goin’ to Derp City, ‘cause it’s 11 to one
You know we’re goin’ to Derp City, gonna have some fun, now
11 Boys for every girl
They say they never roll the streets up ‘cause there’s always somethin’ goin’
(Derp City, here we come)
You know they’re either out Derpin’ or they got a party growin’
(Derp City, here we come)
Yeah, and there’s 11 swingin’ guys for every Honey
And all you gotta do is just wink your eye
And we’re goin’ to Derp City, gonna have some fun, now
You know we’re goin’ to Derp City, ‘cause it’s 11 to one
You know we’re goin’ to Derp City, gonna have some fun
You know we’re goin’ to Derp City, ‘cause it’s 11 to one, now
11 boys for every girl
And if my woody breaks down on me somewhere on the Derp route
(Derp City, here we come)
I’ll strap my board to my back and hitch a ride in my wetsuit
(Derp City, here we come)
And when I get to Derp City I’ll be shootin’ the curl
And checkin’ out the parties for a Derper girl
And we’re goin’ to Derp City, ‘cause it’s 11 to one
You know we’re goin’ to Derp City, gonna have some fun
You know we’re goin’ to Derp City, ‘cause it’s 11 to one
You know we’re goin’ to Derp City, gonna have some fun, now
11 boys for every [x2]
11 boys for every girl

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I am trying hard to find a single thing Trump and the Republicans are doing that have any actual benefit in the long term for their voters. It is stunning.


Actually I am trying harder to find any single action by Trump and the Republicans that does not eventually erode the quality of life for their voters.