How the Affordable Care Act Drove Down Personal Bankruptcy
Expanded health insurance helped cut the number of filings by half
How the Affordable Care Act Drove Down Personal Bankruptcy
Expanded health insurance helped cut the number of filings by half
The bottom line is that the Democrats made a huge error in not demanding the the Republicans put off an Obamacare repeal until October as part of an agreement not to shut down government last week.
Mitch McConnell is going to change the rules, again, to pass this dreck. The Republicans have absolute faith in the support of their base that is hell bent on screwing themselves.
Ignorance is the worst pre existing condition, and most people will not do anything to remedy the condition in their own minds
This has to be one of the most salient tweets I’ve even come across:
A recorded vote tomorrow will cement healthcare as No. 1 issue in the midterms and be a career-ender for many House Republicans who vote yes
— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) May 3, 2017
The idea that Rethugs are not only that venal but that STUPID as to kick open this hornet’s net right before the midterms is staggering.
I still don’t think Ryan has the votes. I think they just would rather go through all this hoping to pass a shitty bill than to tell President Trump bad news. (To be clear the bad news for DJT is that the bill won’t pass, not that it will kill children.)
And today will be full of scary reports of how little is known and how dire the consequences passing it are. Even a vote is not a done deal yet. Passing it is still a big hurdle away. Just a hunch.
But, of course, none of this will affect Congress:
(*But I’m keeping mine…)
…and a few very very interesting town halls …if they have the gonads or Fallopian tubes to conduct them
I hope you are right.
I know, I’ve floated my theory of their repeal and replace as being a dog and pony show before. I’ve read David Cay Johnson’s book on Trump. Trump places a great deal of importance on getting revenge. Google it. Obama humiliated him and made sport of him at the WHCD on that birther nonsense. Not only was he made a joke of in front of those in the room, it was watched by many across the world. He was seething inside, he did not smile. That is one of the reasons I think he wants to cripple Obama’s ACA so it fails so badly, it is hated almost universally. I suspect only then they’ll replace it with something just as bad as their current plan. Iowa’s exchanges are on the verge of collapse. More will follow. He’s going after Obama’s legacy with a passion, everything he cared about will be turned on its head. It would make so much more sense for Trump’s ego to have Obama’s signature achievement to be run into the ground and hated. That’s more like revenge.
Ya, this is a big hammer. It will be pounding all day.
Fine. They were screwing with the poor and the elderly who didn’t have a ‘voice’ except for the liberals screaming in the wilderness. But GO AHEAD YOU CRAPPY COWARDLY AHOLES. You have awakened a giant. You will NOT fk with employees to satisfy your 1%. THIS is where we outnumber you.
I would argue that nobody had employer-based insurance before Obamacare. Rather, what we thought we had wasn’t really insurance. It was a prepaid maintenance plan completely dependent on being healthy enough to work. I always found the most compelling reasons to support Obamacare in the first place were the people who worked hard and paid premiums their whole lives, only to hit their lifetime cap in the middle of their third round of chemo.
“Too sick to work” was the greatest pre-existing condition ever devised.
Trump: Liberals should thank me that I will destroy health care in this country. I am doing this so we can ultimately have a Single Payer System. A lot of people will die/go bankrupt in the meantime due to lack of health care. These sacrifices must be made by the poor and weak.
This is the part of O’Care that I can’t believe people don’t understand. As someone whose bought his own policies for a long time, I have always been aware of the limits of the pre-ACA policies. The policies since then are more expensive for me–BUT THEY ARE AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PRODUCT THAT IS MONUMENTALLY BETTER.
Night and day. And that’s true of ALL health insurance policies. Good luck with your employer-subsidized $500,000 dollar cap when you get a real medical problem.
Yup. The idea that the republican caucus would go marching over a cliff for a bill that has virtually no chance of passing the senate in its present form boggles the mind. If they actually do this it could become the gift that keeps on giving. apparently they have more fear of their own base ditching them in a primary for doing nothing than they fear a wave election in 2018.
If, for no other reason, employer sponsored plans, will have to become more expensive/more restrictive to make up for the fact that there’s no longer a private insurance market. If the feral trumpers think they’ll come away from this unscathed, they’ve got another thing coming.
And, maybe, the coming horror is necessary. Too many delusions have been propped up for too long. I realize what I’m saying sounds like pure madness but I really think we’re at the point of no return. I don’t think Rump will destroy the entire country just much of it: the part that believes it’s getting it’s revenge on the rest of us.
Banner headlines notwithstanding this bill will not become law. Just hope that voters remember.
“Unintended Consequences”?
The RepubliKKKlans want the poor, infirm, elderly and disabled to die. And when they die these “¢hri$tian$” will reply, “It’s Gawd’s Will…”
Don’t be so sure about that. I got a feeling ol’ Mitch wants to spit on Obama one more time and kill the filibuster to pass this!
I think he does. Even the “principled conservatives” (laugh, then cry) like Amash sound squishy this morning. He’ll probably vote No, but lots of his pals like Yoder and Webster will join the herd.
@josephebacon He doesn’t need to kill the filibuster if it’s through reconciliation. And don’t forget, he got Sessions and DeVos both confirmed while allowing Collins and Murkowski to have their Nos for the latter. He’s a dangerous motherfucker.
The racist white base of the RepubliKKKlan Party does not care. They will continue to vote RepubliKKKlan no matter what because they want to smack colored people down. Just like LBJ said 50 years ago…