Discussion: How GOP Obstructionism Put 5 Million Obamacare Subsidies At Risk

Discussion for article #225677

Spite is blinding.


It must be reiterated that this lawsuit is complete bullshit. SCrOTUS would lose its already tenuous legitimacy if they ruled against the subsidies. They’d be fools to even touch the case assuming the full DC circuit reverses the decision of the two extremist wingnuts.


“there was no indications”… “there was two versions”… Nice article, Dylan, but come on, you’re better than that.


And Scott rides off in his truck into a Lobbyist sunset (including after the pending failed Senate attempt). So much damage left in his wake.


We know why they hate it (aside from the fact that it’s OBAMA - Care) Bill Kristol said it back in 1993 about Hillary Care. Once it’s up and running and people learn the benefits, it will be impossible to get rid of it and it will always be associated with Democrats. Just like Social Security and Medicare.

That’s also why they will never give up trying to get rid of it - just as they continue to try to get rid of SS & Medicare. Republicans hate people; the rich because they don’t have have to, and the poor because they need to feel superior to someone. Sad, sad, little people, every last one of them.


“We don’t want to shoot ourselves in the foot.”
– Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH)

Too late, old son, too late.


"When a federal appeals court ruled last week that the law’s subsidies were not available in the 36 states that used HealthCare.gov this year, "

Stop this, now, TPM. This is one-sided reporting that suggests that the only court that has ruled on this ruled against this provision. That is patently false, and the stream of TPM stories hyping one decision while ignoring others is just click-bait, and lousy journalism. I used to expect better.


Nice try at apology for incompetence of the Obama Administration. Given how hotly contested the whole idea of the health reform was, at least the theoretical possibility that states with conservative Republican governors and/or conservative-dominated legislatures might not go along should have been part of the planning (and the final bill read more carefully with an eye to contradictions). That’s elementary project planning. Obama was so busy politically “compromising” from the get-go on his presidency’s signature program, that he and his people never thought through the politics of implementation, let alone the practicalities of it (IT). It was plain incompetence, something that has characterized the entirely of his administration. But then that’s what one gets electing a (slick-talking) professor as President.

P.S. From another article on TPM right now:
“After a months-long investigation, the Government Accountability Office found that the administration lacked “effective planning or oversight practices” for the development of HealthCare.gov…”

I look at it this way: the level of sheer obstructionism and blind stubbornness of the Republicans is breathtaking and unprecedented. Even today, after witnessing it, it’s hard to believe that a governor would willingly turn down federal funds to improve access to healthcare of his own citizens. That a governor would deliberately ignore the suffering, bankruptcies and needless death of his own citizens to make a political point. Every governor up to that time accepted federal funds for infrastructure, military installations, jobs programs, Medicaid, disaster recovery and thousands of other programs to improve the lives of their constituents. They flipped when Obama was elected. How does one plan for mass hysteria on the part of Republican governors?

Obama needed to compromise because Republicans announced on the day of his inauguration that their number one goal was to oust him from office. They put aside actually legislating for wreaking political vengeance. They gleefully publicized that their agenda was insane. It’s hard to write that into a project plan. And yet, despite the LEAST productive Congress in modern history, Obama succeeded in getting his healthcare law enacted, as well as dozens of his other initiatives. Not bad for someone who’s dealing with a Congress gorged with rabid deranged psychotics.


Much as refusing to adopt the Medicaid money already has harmed their own working poor constituents, refusing to set up the state exchanges may now cost Republican governors’ middle-class constituents benefits. That Democrats haven’t found a way to politically capitalize in a big way on this GOP open warfare on the Middle Class is very frustrating.


We weren’t anticipating Ted Kennedy’s death on the doorstep of passage.

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Bring it on,

The ruling against is particularly relevant because it forces en banc with the DC Circuit and potentially a Supreme Court ruling.

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Sorry but nobody anticipated Kennedy dying in the 11th hour, nor the GOP’s recalcitrance that prevents otherwise typical language corrections. 2009 GOPers weren’t as knee jerk as the 2011 crop.

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I’ve been saying this for years for what it’s worth.
These fucks have been trying to reverse the New Deal since it’s inception. FDR was nearly as despised as Obama, but only slightly less because he was white and not black.
I recall a man telling me how his dad threw a cocktail party to celebrate FDR’s death.

Saint Ronnie was on a mission to destroy SS and Medicare that her regarded as “socialism”. Happily he failed. He nearly destroyed university education in CA when he was guv. In his simple shit mind, that too was “socialism”.

I’m acquainted with 2 persons who got medical coverage under Obamacare. One was in dire need with lupus & who knows what. The other never had any kind of health insurance, got her 1st mamograms ever + other labs.

These people are a bunch of just plain mean muthers.


This is the best issue to energize the Democratic base. I believe, no democrat now will stay home on the election day. Thank you Boehener!

Look at it this way . . .

First and foremost, keep this in mind:

New England Journal Of Medicine: 20 Million Covered Under Obamacare

Now about the subsidies: This will allow people in the following states in red and light gray who meet the criteria for subsidies to pay less for their insurance.

The unfortunate people who live in the states shown in the dark gray. Maybe if the people who won’t be allowed subsidies in the dark gray states should it will wake their asses up to dump their obstructionist Governor and/or state legislators. After all they’re getting screwed.

Direct link to graphic




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