They wonder how a person can be nominated to be president with these kinds of statements.
That’s easy: Fear of brown people supported and prompted by FOX News and AM radio.
Reaction now seems unanimous.
So Trump thinks he’s showing toughness and it’s universally seen as destabilizing weakness by other nations. His supporters still see strength, though. Got it.
I can’t exactly see how he will say it, but it’s pretty obvious to me that he will take news of his effects on foreign affairs as proof that he is right—“See, the Japanese are re-arming because they agree with me!”,
“Assad gassed 50,000 civilians because he is tough on terror like me !”,
“I TOLD you that NATO wasn’t working. Now Warsaw is a radioactive ruin. Look what Obama did”.
These are slight exaggerations of the realistic risks.
As someone on here said in a previous thread, he’s a clear and present danger to our republic and the world. And the republican leadership built this monster over the last 40-50 years. And now that it’s out, they have no idea how to rein it in.
The foreign policy arena is where this lunatic is scariest as he’s likely to start a war out of spite.
Sad that all of this is his attempt to one up Obama. After he got thrashed by Obama and Seth Myers at the White house correspondents dinner a few years back and had no opportunity to retaliate he’s been holding this grudge. That’s why he’s campaigning more against Obama than against Hillary. As Josh keeps saying about the dominance politics getting elected President is the only way he can see of getting back at Obama.
Sad really.
This is why, if the Republicans had any interest in America, they would simply withdraw his nomination. Instead of caring about the country, the Republicans are only interested in keeping what power they have so that they can continue to reward the people who bought them their House and Senate seats.
legally disbanded, andits leaders imprisoned
The Republican Party is simply a corrupt criminal organization which after the election, should be Charged with RICO. conspiracy and
So Trump’s notion of “making America great again”. is to withdraw everything from the rest of the world inside the United States, abandon our strategic alliances, kick out everyone who is here illegally, build a wall around it, and then no one goes in or out. And he calls it “keeping America safe”. Other Republicans may want to shut down the EPA or the Department of Education, but Trump plans to shut down the State Department. We will have no need for diplomacy because we won’t be speaking to anyone.
After withdrawing from NATO and what’s left of SEATO, the US will abrogate all of its free trade agreements. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nigel Farage has convinced Trump that the US needs to withdraw from the European Union. I expect Trump will announce this on a forthcoming call in to FOX & Friends.
And tonight were gonna party like it’s 1899!
People who complain about the cost of NATO fail to take into account the economic benefit of having a stable world to trade with and that in fact is one of the main reasons for its existence in the first place.
Morceau de merde, monsieur Donnié.
You do realize that’s kind of a complicated argument to make for the average Drumpf supporter. Much too long for a baseball cap.
When Trump (and other Repubs) say that other countries don’t respect us, he means that dictators don’t fear us. In the civilized world our respect is much higher than it was ten years ago.
It is worth watching the 2011 White House correspondents dinner for Obama and Meyers comments and the quick look at Trump -
This is an excellent article and I learned a lot. Good journalism.
But, it is also really frightening.
While it was good of the Economist to point out that a Trump presidency was among their top 10 global threats, they might have warned us that even a Trump candidacy was up around 11.
I’ve been an ex-pat for much of my adult life. I spent 2000-2008 apologizing for Dubya, starting every conversation with new acquaintances with the words “before you ask, no, I did NOT vote for him, I am not responsible”…
Imagine it now. Friends, colleagues and family (my husband is German) are appalled. They all think we have lost our collective minds that it has come so far that Trump has made it to the top of the GOP heap.They know better than we how quickly a crude thin-skinned narcissistic racist bigot can set the world ablaze. The scars are still there, even generations after the fact.
There is a great feeling of seeing history repeating itself, while we all stand helplessly and watch. I get the question on a daily basis, who among the GOP has the backbone to renounce him before it gets too far?
How do I even begin to respond to that??
Woooooooooooo burn it all down! Another World War and WE’LL be the greatest generation for once!
We are not amused.