Discussion: How Donald Trump Is Already Doing A World Of Damage Abroad

His supporters are even more ill informed about international matters than he is. International matters? Hell, I expect the majority of them couldn’t even name all 50 states.


There are 50 states?? /s

Buy the rounds and put on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee?

Oh right…she is Canadian, so that only helps a little bit.

The whisperings this morning are that Preibus has reached the end, and that we are about to see many, MANY GOPers withdraw their endorsements of Trump very soon…perhaps before this week ends. Sadly, the line was not attacking Gold Star families, it was going out of his way to stick his finger in the eyes of McCain, Ryan and Ayotte.


Oh, lordy, I hope you are right.


On the Beach should be required viewing for anyone planning to vote for Trump. Followed by Judgment at Nuremberg.


You’re right…its a trick question. There is only the one state you live in :stuck_out_tongue:

I am reminded of a woman I went to school with, that became a 1st grade teacher (or maybe it was kindergarten…very young children either way). One day she was trying to teach them that they live in XXX neighborhood, which is in Jacksonville, which is in Duval County, which is in Florida, which is in the United States.

One little boy however, was having none of that. “I live in the projects, I don’t live in no United States”. The unintentional irony was just so overwhelming.


Donald Trump’s vision of a realigned U.S. foreign policy is already threatening to destabilize the current international system and force the world to reappraise America’s role in it even before Trump sets foot in the Oval Office, some top U.S. foreign policy experts are arguing.

That's an odd way to phrase the issue. No couching of Trump's prospects for winning the election. His occupying the Oval Office isn't just a possibility, he's jumbled world affairs before eventually setting foot in the Oval Office. As if getting there is a foregone conclusion.

Although, from here in Europe, the fact that Trump has made it to the top of the GOP garbage heap has shaken a lot of confidence.


TheRealLucifer sows division. Love is his enemy.


Trump’s positions are exactly what we need to avert Obama destroying the planet and all life on it. America is a mess, committing war crimes willy nilly worldwide. America has to change its course radically and Trump is honest about that. Obama and Kerry lie about everything Russia is and is not doing. Crimea wanted to ally with Russia because it always has allied with Russia. Putin is not “occupying” Crimea. This article is partisan and biased against any change. The writer is MSM and despicably arguing for maintaining Obama’s Crimes Against Humanity worldwide and destroying the planetary ecosystems. Trump is the right person to challenge Obama’s and America’s 99% b.s. and lies. Get rid of Obama, Kerry, Ashton Carter, all these assassin liars one way or another. They are the worst possible torturers and terrorists on the planet.

All the way out of the closet now I see. So tell me, are you painting your face orange and going out in public that way now? Or is that still saved for your “special” alone time in front of the mirror?

But seriuosly

What exactly are you trying to say here? Clarify for us what “one way or another” really means.


Can Obama stay around, maybe work part time, and just destroy mosquitos and those little yappy dogs that get on everyone’s nerves? Please??!!


After having spent 3 months at the start of 2016 traveling in France, Spain and Morocco I can say that the same is true on the street level. As Trump was establishing his image during the early stages of the campaign there was rarely a day that a local resident, upon learning that I am an American would not ask what was going on in the politics of my country. Not one time did anyone suggest that Trump was anything but a detriment to world peace and prosperity, NOT ONCE.


white privilege = having your incoherent, and uninformed, vague babble described as “vision” by respectable news outlets


My experience has been different. First of all, I’m an expat. Just the other day one of my colleagues said approvingly that Trump is “strong”.
When I was visiting Tel Aviv in April, I heard more about how dangerous Hillary is, and how bad Obama has been in foreign policy, than about the danger of Trump.


Oh, I ought to share e-mails I get from my friends in Europe. They’re convinced that the Republican Party has become a real life version of King of Hearts–the asylum has been emptied and the crazies have taken over the city!


Yeah, it’s a bit analogous to the Allies’ hysterical bellyaching over that whole Sudetenland kerfuffle.


Good to know Putin has never committed a crime. Curious how you know that. Wonder why you aren’t over there. Must be horrible to be enslaved to a mess.

You are so independent and enlightened.


Did you give my best to Bebe?:fu:


Ha. I was there for an academic conference. Politics only came up when some US citizens were talking over lunch one days.