Hey, it worked for getting Capone. Please proceed…
“As we understand the focus of the Chairman’s request, he is seeking information and material about President Trump’s personal finances going back ten years in time — well before the President was a candidate for federal office.”
The world’s tiniest violin is playing the world’s saddest tune for Meadows and Jordan.
It’s called “The Whitewater Waltz”.
And like usual, Trump is probably just scared that people will find out he’s not as wealthy as he says he is
What an odd picture of Cummings. He’s normally pretty low key.
His shout almost looks like he’s smiling…and I would be too, if I was going after Trump.
Sooo, everyone still okay with the pace of which these House investigations are moving?
Wholly impatient,
Meadows and Jordan, still carrying water for the Trump criminal enterprise. Aiding and abetting, they used to call it. I guess Benghazi was not to be considered a “partisan attack.” Please.
Hey look, more obstruction of justice in plain sight.
Last I heard, the WH was not turning over requested documents to Congress. What makes us think a firm will do so when King Dumb Dumb demands they don’t?
“Separation of Powers”?
Hey Meadows and Jordan Trump has been considering running for President since 1988, and you’re complaining about 10 years of financials?
I love to see Meadows and Jordan pissing in their pants from frustration because they can’t do a damned thing anymore. After all of the shit they pulled while they were in power, they still cannot see the irony of this situation, with the difference being that the Dems most certainly have a good reason to investigate corruption and collusion on the part of Donald Trump and his administration, while the Freedom Caucus investigations were the ones that were actually politically motivated, considering that 99.99999% of any evidence they supposedly had against Clinton, Obama, and the Dems was pulled out of their asses.
Turn about is fair play. Cummings should also contact Fordham and Penn for transcripts and that silly military school too. Why not?
Let’s open the book on Donnie Moscow.
I don’t think the board of Mazars will enjoy being subpoenaed to testify before Congress under oath. And the firm can’t try to shake off a Congressional subpoena like Trump thinks he can deny a request from Congress for documents. It wouldn’t look good for the members of this firm to have federal marshals bringing them into the chamber to testify.
Congress requests testimony and records from private citizens all the time when it deems those records or that testimony are important to public policy and potential legislation. Or when there’s an effect on the oversight of government. People are acting as if there’s an exception for trump because he’s such an obvious crook.
The House Oversight Committee recently issued a request to President Trump’s accountant for 10 years of Trump’s personal financial information, a letter revealed on Wednesday.
Makes you think it might have been wiser for Orange Anus to release his taxes while running for POTUS.
Elijah Cummings, I applaud you.
Dear Dog, please let the NC redistricting happen so we will have a chance to get rid of Meadows. Pretty please.
He may hold it in most of the time and it just bursts to the surface on occasion.