You idiots feeling the heat now?
Oh please Donnie can you dial it back a notch ?
We still hate brown people but we need to get reelected.
Remember Rover knows best
“They also fear that the party line that the policy is Democrats’ fault and responsibility to change is too unbelievable to hide behind.”
Some of them actually know there is a reality other than the alternate one they are so successful at creating? Come on, guys … try a little harder. You can bend that reality curve far enough so the truth no longer matters at all. That’s the goal, man. You can do it.
Isn’t child abuse illegal? Kidnapping? Imprisonment without representation or due process?
Apparently not.
This is all apparently legal and Constitutional. Like in our recent past, there will be no prosecutions of either the perpetrators giving the orders or perpetrators following the orders.
Torture, murder, property confiscation, and extrajudicial imprisonment by government agents are all okay.
Our Constitution is not saving us.
The Great Dealmaker could have had generous funding for his stupid wall months ago if he’d made a deal on fixing DACA. It’s always a protection-racket thing, where he breaks something and offers to fix it if you give him what he wants. But the thing about him, if you say yes to his first offer, he gets encouraged and raises the stakes. And here he’s got Miller whispering in his ear that they can transform the entire immigration system so it’s only Norwegians allowed in or whatever. So he says no now I want more and the Democrats tell him to pound sand, so he has to do this now, and they’re letting him roast over it. He can’t even make deals. I am literally shaking my head right now.
Don`t worry , the Fat Flabby A$$hole will blame the Dems .
The GOP base, who we are not allowed to call deplorable less we have to apologize, loves his policy according to new polls. So I don’t see Trump changing his mind. He’s kind of boxed himself into corner on this because the only thing that could piss his base off would be getting a little “soft” on immigrants. Brown immigrants that is, the Eastern European soft porn model version is OK
They could simply pass a bill ending it and send it to the Senate. Not enough spines to around among House GOPs though.
After “confronting” him, they will run away with their tails between their legs, because they are cowards with NO MORAL QUALMS about torturing brown people, especially those who speak Spanish and they are so afraid they will lose their next Primary if he turns against them.
This cartoon got a long time employee fired from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette for showing the truth. Rob Rogers (the cartoonist) worked there for a quarter of a century.
Talk about child abuse, what the hell have they taught , and are teaching their own kids?
Because they know that 45 has the bully pulpit. If they want to come back to this job next year, they’d better toe the line.
These folks are caught in their own trap. They supported this nincompoop and now he’s taking them down the drain.
It’s imperative that Dems and Progressives finish the job in November to send these spineless, hopeless invertebrates home so that real folks can take their places next year and going forward.
And Hillary, don’t forget Hillary. Her emails had SOMETHING to do with this!
“confront” him with what? Furrowed-brows? Sternly-worded Tweets? Adjectives like “unhelpful”?
Fucking cowards.