Discussion: House GOPers Say Susan Collins' Health Care Demands Are Dead On Arrival


Thanks for picking up on that! Geez, what got into me?

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As usual, Apple gets the most bang for the buck.


Can you blame them? It’s just business.



In Moral Bizarro World, they owe California like a trillion dollars.


well Suzie Q how does it feel to be abused by the male dominated Republican Party? Or maybe I should ask you that in a while because I don’t think you’re going to have a very good time for a very long time

”As a concept, paying insurance companies to lower their prices is an issue with a lot of us. I mean, let the market work,” complained Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY) on Tuesday, though he did acknowledge that paying billions in CSRs actually saves the government money.

Let the market work with health care? What the Hell does that look like?

“I have one colorectal cancer biopsy, what am I bid? Five hundred, do I hear six?”


Oh Susie Q how do you do? How could you let the ugliest man in the Senate screw you over? What are those marks on your four head? Is that where Nietzsche structure little four head and promised you the world If you only voted for this rotten dirty tax reform bill? Did he promised to marry you honey. Promises, promises, promises made by a Republican only made to be broken.

Dear citizens of Maine - you elected LePage and have repeatedly elected Collins. Why?

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Easy does it Pluck …

That would make sitting … ’ uncomfortable ’ —

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Collins is just another republican tool. That she tried to give the line that “she was promised” the health care votes is total BS. We are not that naive… it’s Collins who is naive… Time for her to retire.

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Susan , Trumpys promises are worth f*ck all .

“The comments about me on this site are unbelievably sexist!” - Susan Collins (Dumbfuck - “Moderate”)

Merry Xmas Corporations!

But…but…but Hillary is a Wall Street shill!


I have more respect for Paul LePage than I do Collins—at least he doesn’t pretend to be anything other than a raging hypocritical asshole.


This bill, Trump, Ryan, McConnell will be the end of the Republican party as anything viable in politics for a good long time.

I agree that the long-term prospects for the GOP are grim from a demographic standpoint, but there are enough supremely gullible, ignorant, and just plain racist white Americans that the GOP will be able to totter along quite nicely for a couple of decades.


A song for Susan:

We’ve tried it once or twice
And found it rather nice

Roll me over lay me down and do it again
Roll me over in the clover, roll me over lay me down and do it again

Oh this is number one
And the fun has just begun
Oh this is number two,
Down in front he’s comin through
Oh this is number three
And his hand is on me knee
Oh this is number four
And he’s been there twice before
Oh this is number five
I’m surprised I’m still alive
Oh this is number six,
And he’s got me doin tricks
Well this is number seven,
And he took me straight to heaven
Oh this is number eight,
He bent me o’er the garden gate
Oh this is number nine,
And the baby’s doin fine
Oh this is number ten,
And when he’s through we’ll do it again
Oh this is number eleven
and it’s just like number seven

Roll me over lay me down and do it again
Roll me over in the clover, roll me over lay me down and do it again

These folks beg to differ.

Well, at least you tried Sen. Collins ! That’s all your voters can hope for ! Better luck next time !

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Just to fan the flames…

Irregardless was popularized in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its increasingly widespread spoken use called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that “there is no such word.” There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

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