Discussion: House GOPers Say Susan Collins' Health Care Demands Are Dead On Arrival

I wonder if she pays for that haircut.
I guess that’s proof there are no gay folks in rural Maine.

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House GOPers Say Susan Collins’ Health Care Demands Are Dead On Arrival

Wow, who could have seen that coming. :wink:


I simply don’t understand why someone of her (experience and acumen(?) was foolhardy enough to believe “Promises” from anyone leading the current government…
If she was some apple-cheeked first-termer in the House, I could see her buying a used car from Frankenputz and his cronies.
But we’re talking about a multi-term US Senator here.
She ought to have known better from the first jump. And To be honest I think she did, and still does know better.
My question is and will continue to be what else she might have been offered in exchange for one of the worst votes in the entire History of The US Senate. I won’t believe she was stupid enough to just give up her vote for yet another slice of Pollyanna Pie.

Bob is retiring. He announced it several months ago.

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Not to worry. No one agrees with me and moderators and Josh don’t give a shit. Freedom of speech trumps every other concern.

So the individual mandate gets axed with Collins vote and none of her demands to stabilize the markets will pass.

Way to go you dumb POS (aka Collins).

And what did Senator Collins say to that ?

Irregardless if that is true or not, it does appear in written communications at times…

Or at least none willing to work for Susan Collins…

House republicans have already said her bill to prop up the ACA is DOA, so they are almost rubbing her nose in her own idiocy. Any senate vote will be meaningless, which I’m guessing would also fail.

Well yeah, it was a promise from Mitch, what did she expect?