“I have here, in my hand, a piece of paper, signed by Herr Hitler, promising peace in our time.” circa 1938.
There is another consideration here, that should probably be noted.
Alice Ollstein has a weird sort of relationship going on with Collins. She is the first Senator she goes to for comment quite often, even on things that Collins isn’t drawing headlines. I wouldn’t call it favortism, because it seems pretty clear that they have a pretty stormy professional relationship. But it might be that Collins favors talking to female reporters. Just a hypothesis.
You’re giving her way too much credit — she was part of the scam.
I know that for the first time in many years, no Repuglic is running unopposed in Texas. Every single one has an opponent.
I’m adopting that.
It is quite clear she promotes her “moderate” persona.
Too bad it is anything but.
Yours, with my pleasure. Please do spread it around.
She is a shill. It was not really a con, since she knew it was BS. It was a convenient excuse to cover her vote.
Maybe Cynthia should pull her head out of her ass and switch her vote on the tax scam/tax heist.
That fucker pulled a real fuckin’ woman card.
Fucking WHAT!
Wow! didn’t see Collins going that direction. She knew Mitch was going to pull a fast one, and he let the House do his dirty work. He can safely say he tried, and Collins will vote for the bill anyway. She’s attempting to shut down that line of questioning.What’s sexist about asking her about the House shutting down her provisions?
She’s proving how scummy she is.
So this confirms there is a con, and it is her voters that are getting the con - from her.
There aren’t any I love to hate. I just hate them, and will be glad when any and all are gone.
Say what?
I think Susan’s losing it.
Yeah, this is hugely embarrassing for her. Even aside from the thieving going on her only defense to deflect from that is just admitting she’s incompetent and stupid but since she can’t do that either she has to resort to bullshit accusations of sexism. She can rot in hell.
Oh NO! Now Susan Collins looks foolish!
Corker and Collins, partners in crime like never before. They really don’t like being called on it either.