Pretty clear that Corker’s vote was bought, plain and simple. He doesn’t have any excuse.
They really don’t and both have been called on it today. Wolf Blitzer went after Corker.
I hate them all, and I don’t think I’ve had a peaceful day or night since the election. We shouldn’t have to go through the grief of getting rid of them to just to get back to some kind of normality when they shouldn’t have been elected in the first place. Most esp. PP.
Check the chart!
That’s breathtaking!!!
That’s the chart I was talking about it. It’s stunning.
Wow. Just insert your choice of hell-freezes-over GIFs here.
Not only he is going make a ton of money at the last minute insertion of the language in the bill, he’ll also be demonstrating loyalty to PP and putting himself in a position to be nominated for SOS when Tillerson is finally fired.
I know - right? hahahahahahahahahahahaha
In some ways that actually matter Trump really is the Great Awakening.
She knows. She just wishes they’d stop blowing her cover.
And well you are at it let’s try to clean up the language generally used on this site. In my opinion it adds nothing to the discussion.
Additionally calling Collins a whore only degrades the person doing so. (And if you think that is ok and lifts the discussion you better use pimp to describe McConnel and Trump)
Ok can we stop the censorship now please? If Josh and mods are ok with our language then it should be ok. We are all adults.
Adults in serious discussion usually do not go quite that low… it adds nothing to the discussion. I’m not censoring in any way, just asking for voluntary civil language.
Piss off.
[quote=“reggid, post:83, topic:66530”]
she was part of the scam.
[/quote] I think that gives her too much credit. She’s not very bright. None of them are. Bright people know better than to cram through a massive tax overhaul with barely any support among the electorate, without hearings, thought or input from anyone other than the super rich donors (and Bob Corker, apparently). The only scam is the one being successfully run on the stupid Republicans handpicked by the Kochs, Mercers and the rest of the greedy 1%. This bill, Trump, Ryan, McConnell will be the end of the Republican party as anything viable in politics for a good long time. People smarter than they are would recognize this and behave accordingly. They be dumb people.
Does that make you feel better?
There’s always an angle with them. When it sounds too good to be true?
It is.
I could care less about language, to be honest. This whole discussion just begs the question of whether our comments here are constructed to the highest standards of written text.
Irregardless, I’ll just write whatever the duck I want----spellchecker be damned.
Obviously cleaning up language is a dividing line even among people on the same team, but I object to sexist language, always have, always will, and it doesn’t win me any popularity contests.
Really, Rubio got $25; surely there’s something for her. They don’t even give her the courtesy of pretending they’ll pass her amendments.