Discussion: House GOPer: Prisoner Exchange For Bergdahl 'Dangerous'

Bergdahlzi!! Initiate Operation Impeachment immediately!


I’m sick of the the Republicans needing to be notified and needing to know thirty days prior to the exchange. There was no time for it and like the Israelis who exchange hundreds for prisoners for one of their own we traded 5 for 1. The Republicans are the very ones who started and supported the war in Iraq and Afghanistan on lies and deceit but it is alright to send in these young men and women to war but when comes to saving them with a prisoner exchange not acceptable. Who cares about their families. Too bad the President could not have exchanged all the Republicans on the House Foreign Relations Committee and the Republicans in House Intelligence Committee for Sgt. Bergdahl. Cleaning the Congress of the roaches and traitors that infest this Congress. When it’s time to vote I trust Vet’s and their families will remember this betrayal.


Perhaps someone more off the rails said something more ridiculous that Cheney could have.

Spot-on post, geoguy.

See, Rogers’ verbal misdirection works, even on someone who presumably opposes him. Not surprising that over 60% of Americans believed Iraq was responsible for 9-11 prior to our attack.

It is criminal negligence if members of 4th Estate don’t understand their obligatory role to challenge government error, misfeasance and malfeasance - a role that the 1st Amendment deliberately and specifically protects from government retaliation.

It is worse if members of the 4th Estate know what is expected of themselves, yet willfully countenance official lies that can be murderous.

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I’m sorry, but as a Thoroughly Evil Person, I would have infected them with HIV / AIDS before releasing them. Yes, I know, bad karma, but if you’re going to send them back, give them the gift that keeps on giving . . .

You might want to rethink that post…it is leaning toward thoroughly evil, IMHO.


The minute a Republican asks this sort of question, the media all of a sudden becomes their sounding board!! Where was all this concern by the media before this country ran barrelling through the desert into Baghdad back in 2003? What’s the matter Mike Rogers not going to take a minute and be thankful this soldier who was a POW is free now after five years, and that the country of Qatar help secure his release?!

To Rogers and his party, fire bad and wheel dangerous. This prisoner exchange is in good company.

The electronic media in particular have very few people willing or competent to say whether the Taliban of 2014 are terrorists as we understand the word. (Domestically they are, internationally it seems not.) Laziness and superficiality are endemic in TV people—you see it in the whole industry. They can’t explain the complexities of the world, no matter how important it is, and they have very little incentive to do so. Even Susan Rice blurs the distinction. I’m sorry, but people in general are fucking stupid and I’ve gotten old enough to stop expecting they’ll smarten up one day. The founders were Enlightenment guys who expected people to inform themselves about the world, if only in their own self-interest, but maybe they were being optimistic.

ETA: Speaking of optimism, I wasn’t feeling it yesterday. I honestly don’t think the networks will ever again offer quality journalism. When they did, years ago, it was an accident of history. But I should add there are some very interesting new forms of information sharing evolving that anyone who wants to be informed on what’s going on could be psyched about. Whether they’ll find a mass audience is another question.


Oh, shut the fuck up GOP. Since when was bringing a POW home a bad thing?

Oh, and since your hero Ronnie Raygun negotiated with all kinds of terrorists and sold them arms, you guys don’t get to get all high and mighty on this subject.

Has McCain come out today and said anything positive about this POW’s release?

I’m guessing NO.

Yes, so dangerous because we do not have an Army, a Navy, an Air Force, Marines, a Coast Guard, an FBI, a CIA, and Customs and Border Protection officers. So dangerous–except that it absolutely is not, because we DO have those things, as almost static institutions that are watching 24x7 for potential dangers.

What we do NOT have is a social security number that cannot be stolen and re-provisioned, or a truly secure internet, or a secure electrical grid, all of which present far more potential for individual personal suffering–and about which these congress critters have done absolutely nothing.

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Shorter GOP message:

If you have an American soldier just go ahead an shoot him – we don’t want him back…it might send the wrong message.

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Its interesting to hear people whining about (what if these people who get out do us harm) I think the families of thousands of dead Americans in two wars have already been done harm. And when did we start keeping people locked up because of future crimes.


really, really…what is wrong with these politicians. this rogers idiot loves spying on americans and does not want an American held captive released - this guy is a trip

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Dangerous? I guess it might lead to trading arms for hostages to terrorist like Ronald Reagan did.

Let’s just trade a GOP member for each hostage. Win-win.