Discussion for article #224890
Stupid and venal. He’s my TX Rep and he’s horrible.
Please - what is in the water that these Texas politicians drink???
Fracking waste.
And here you thought the rwnj’s may have reached the bottom of the barrel in terms of being callous asshats…only to find there’s a whole-'nother barrel that hasn’t even been tapped yet. Makes you want to weep some days.
Any Latino who votes baggernut deserves it.
Why do conservatives so vehemently hate when poor people are treated humanely? Never mind that he’s completely wrong. Even if he were 100% correct about the conditions at the detention centers, it’s an awfully cruel sentiment to want to see children treated badly.
Also, this is yet another reason why passing immigration reform at this point isn’t going to save the GOP with Latino voters. While the MSM may not report these stories or give them much play, the Spanish language media most certainly does. They report it over and over again.
Be lovely if he spent a week taking advantage of the wonderful accomadations.
He’s my congressman too. Pathetic. What is worse, he is a real estate developer who got rich by turning a plot of land that used to be the city dump, 40 years ago, into a housing development. Of course, that housing development was built largely by undocumented laborers. He then used the profits of that deal to buy farmland and farm it until the city of Lubbock expanded enough to again develop properties. That farmland was farmed by—wait for it—undocumented, migrant farm workers.
Y’all may recall that this is the same guy who berated the female Parks Service Ranger at the Veterans’ Memorial during the GOP government shutdown. Quite a guy.
Is there anything at all that conservatives view through the lens of reality? They are wrong, time and time again, and their view of the world is so at odds with reality it staggers the mind. Their view of the poor, health care, economics, climate change, women, etc are 180 degrees out of phase with reality.
I think all Republicans should take advantage of those canditions and then report back to us after spending their entire Congressional summer break, (5 weeks in July-August) there in S.Texas or Arizona.
Let’s do a “Trading Places” thing where this asshole can live in one of these detention centers, we’ll send a few of these kids to live in his Georgetown penthouse – then we’ll all come back in one month for an enlightening discussion on who had the better accommodations.
These illegal kids are sexting each other on the free Obamaphones that are handed to them when they get here so they can call home.
Randy says so, so it’s got to be true.
Making President Obama’s point: Influencing the second largest Congressional delegation could move some legislation. If we can move the jokers to the rear?
Hey gooper, do you mind me calling you gooper? Gooper.It kind of rolls off the tongue.
Or, how about teabagger? You know, that name you were so proud
of until you found out what it means. Ha!
I think I’ll call you what you are; beneath contempt.
Hanity is for haters.
Because the 21st century GOP is an apocalyptic, vengeful cult full of frightened fanatics and led by cynical grifters. Only difference with Gohmert, Perry, Neugebauer is that they’re also STUPID.