Discussion for article #231753
House GOP Unexpectedly Fails To Pass First Major Bill In New Congress
It wasnt unexpected at all. I was predicting it last week and Im not even a “political pundit”. These folks cant govern. They dont know how. All they know how to do, besides obstructing anything Obama and Dems propose…is a whole lotta nothin’!
On your mark, get set … oops.
And, they’re off!
And it’s only their second day leading the congress this year. Bonehead is really a Bonehead.
Hmm, according to Krauthammer , the 2014 elections were about competence. So why did the GOP win?
The Clown Nihilist Party, living up to its ideological commitment to clownish nihilism.
What were they thinking? I know, I know. They weren’t thinking.
Oh come on, you are here therefore a pundit by rote
They are a BUNCH OF LOSERS!!!
Lets keep a running tab on how much the gop failures cost the taxpayer this year. Last year had to be a record for sure. But now they have control ha ha ha ha
remember, debt and deficit don’t matter anymore when they are in control ha ha ha ha
something really funny about that word control and hooking it up with gop in it. lol lol loll lol
FInaLLY the ADULts are IN CHArge. LERN some POLITICs 101 lIBTURDS. THis IS HOW theY plaNNED it. Test the WATers as the BILL was IN suspensION to see IF they CAN get It PASSED wiTH FEwer VOTEs needed nexT tIME arouND. BRILLIANT!!!11!!!1one!1!1!!!
Shades of the Ted Cruz incompetence last month that allowed the Democratic majority in the Senate to confirm 12 more Federal judges nominated by the President. Keep up the good work, guys!
First step: Lull Democrats into a sense of complacency…
More proof that the House of Representatives is now run by Monty Python’s Silly Party!
Because, generally speaking, they’re the only ones who can competently campaign and put up a united front.
Sad but true.
Clown alert!
Suspension of the rules is supposed to be non controversial. But they still need democratic votes, good luck getting a vote count on a bs bill like this one.
It won’t stop them for long.