Discussion: House GOP Sets Vote On Long Shot Spending Bill Hours Before Shutdown

Discussion for article #231106

It’s taken Sahil all day to figure out where the real story is on this, and he still buries it at the end of the article sigh

This could very well be a watershed moment for Warren and the Democratic Party in general.

Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY), a leadership member and Pelosi ally, said Democrats must draw a “red line” against the “big banks” and “big donors” if they want to be credible advocates for the middle class.



Still voting…but its very close so far.

Why should the Democrats pull Boners ass out of the fire?

I think you are asking me why some Dem’s are voting yes…and basically there are two reasons…they love them some Wall Street money and they are afraid Boehner will screw the pooch again and there might be a shutdown.

Mostly they love them some Wall Street money, too.

Not looking good. They are up 20 votes, with 77 more to go.

Crap…it passed :frowning:

Ironically I am listening to The Band playing Atlantic City…“Everything dies, that’s a fact…but maybe everything that dies comes back” right when I got the news

May as well get used to this as we will be seeing this sh*t for the next two years.

I was sure the Dems would hold the line this time - just my naivety showing.

Well, they are also taking a voice vote on a 2-day CR to give the Senate time to take their vote…maybe Warren has some magic she can work and sway enough folks there to join her.

But I am not holding my breath.

Pelosi wasn’t whipping the votes, she gave everyone the freedom to make their own choice. Why, I have no idea, though she gave an indication that she felt she had enough to defeat this. Apparently she was wrong.

Too fucking late. That huge whopper of a turd bill just passed the House. So Fuck This Shit. 57 Dems crossed over to vote for it and 40-something Rethugs crossed over to vote against it. So if you’re looking for bipartisan stupidity…we have them on the record.

Maybe the Dems thought if they passed a three-month bill, they’d be served an even worse shit sandwich in the spring.

It’s not clear at this point just what is IN the bill after whatever changes were made. I just went onto Daily Kos and some things were changed but I don’t know the specifics.

The WH pushed REALLY hard to get this passed. Things are happening behind the scenes. As always.

For the life of me, I just don’t understand what we got out of this. I really don’t. If the answer is “The government didn’t shut down” then that has to be one of the shttiest reasons I’ve heard in a while. It makes NO SENSE. What could be the incentive that would get Dems to commit this kind of political malpractice? Rescue Boner yet AGAIN only to have him piss on us??? Forget about reaching across the aisle; that sht was gone with the quickness, anyway.

I don’t know what we’re in for in the next 2 years but it’s starting to feel a lot like an episode out of “The Walking Dead.”

For the life of me ottis, I have NO IDEA.

This whole affair was just the latest of the kabuki dramas the Democrats pit on in cases like this. They make a big, dramatic show of outrage but they never intended to actually defeat this latest legislative crime. They always were going to provide just enough votes to pass it while putting on a big show for people like me.

It’s also sickening to see the White House again panic over holding a strong hand and act frantically to fold. Just like what they did with the fiscal cliff. Just like then, they were frantic to find a way to not win.

All that crap wouldn’t have made it in the bill without White House support. Mikulski was just following White House orders. The Progressive Caucus should just shut up unless they call out this nonsense. They’re laughable. That goes for Elizabeth Warren, too.

It turns out the shit sandwich would come with either a 3 month sell-by date or a 9 month sell-by date. But either way, it was bound to be a shit sandwich as you say.

No guts, no glory.
Oh well, onto the Senate…

The Progressive Caucus is worse than worthless if it doesn’t denounce this and everyone responsible, especially Obama. They’re just part of the overall game of deception. I’m not holding my breath.

Obama doesn’t want to beat these guys. He’s the Manchurian candidate whose job is to make sure the left never actually wins anything. Of course he is supported by much of the DC Democratic establishment.

Unless this bill materially changed since last we’ve heard this is truly an outrage.
Lawrence O’Donnell said that Harry Reid is going to open up discussions on it tomorrow rather than voting tonight, and Liz Warren is still punching hard, so there’s hope.
Hoping for more updates on what’s in the final bill…

The only “change” was they also took a voice vote on a 2 day CR, to give the Senate time to take their vote.

Sadly, I don’t think Warren has anywhere near the numbers to shut this down in the Senate. And don’t expect Reid to lift a finger to help. The division between the wings of the party are deepening very quickly.