It is a lose for the Democrats, too, because they don’t know how to turn anything into a win.
Where is the positive message that we offer a better solution?
Pelosi and Hoyer got to go.
Bannon’s people love face/neck tattoos, so this might work out with the base.
That 3:1 means for the GOP mathematically challenged Statistically for every 4 voters - three are against this bill, and one is for it. Pelosi is correct - this will be a millstone around the political neck of those who vote for it. Even in GOP districts the numbers against vs for are perilous for the GOP.
If you’re, say, Barbara Comstock you’re probably pissing yourself right about now.
@georgeh Basta! You’re a world-class kvetcher.
Tattooing this to Republicans’ foreheads is necessary BUT INSUFFICIENT. Pelosi and the Dems are poised for continued losing because they cannot or will not articulate a vision of the Democratic Party. Why isn’t this statement accompanied by the Dems’ plans for a) Public Option, b) Single Payer, c) Medicare for All? Obama’s failure of political leadership lives on in this broken party, and the devastation will continue.
Yes. We do have a bill. It is called Obamacare. It is a better solution, as the public already knows.
My Swing Left group is targeting Comstock. She’s definitely a worthy target.
I am tired of commenters who keep complaining about the Dems messaging.
Hey, the other side controls all the media. If this weren’t so we would have won the election. Figure out a way to shut down Fox as a start and we’ll talk. For now, your comments are unproductive and a little bit annoying.
Oh, please. It is long past time for you to get a new shtick. And a life.
When your opponent is busy shooting themselves in the foot, the right thing to do is to stand back and let them. Democrats employed this tactic, with great success, when George W. Bush tried to “reform” Social Security. News organizations insisted that Democrats absolutely “must” provide their own “reform” alternative. Pelosi declined and subsequent events proved that her tactics were correct.
Sorry, but you are misreading current events and history. You have no basis for the comments you are making and no data to support them.
Because when your enemy is defeating themselves you should just get out of the way. BTW Pelosi and the house dems were very much for the public option. It was removed despite their objections because it needed 60 votes for cloture in the senate and removing the public option was the only way to do that.
And it’s looking better and better by comparison, something I don’t think the GOP considered in their head-long rush.
I hear what you’re saying, but right now the Democrats are letting the GOP fuck up and reminding them that they’re doing it. I do believe the Democrats can do better by presenting bold, progressive ideas. Here’s an example: guaranteeing a job to everyone who is willing and able.
So why don’t they talk about improving it? Why don’t they run on it? And, by the way, the Dems have let the Republicans dominate the meme on Obamacare - only recently have the numbers started to change significantly in favor of it.
Yes, our tactics are great, and that is why we are the majority party in the House and Senate and we have President Clinton, right? And Justice Garland? And public option?
Great tactics!
Oh, wait, never mind.
Thank you for confirming why nobody here takes you seriously. I gave you a specific example that destroys your talking point. Rather than address it, or refute it if you can (you can’t), you instead just doubled down on the non sequiturs and drama queen behavior.
I repeat: it is long past time for you to get a new shtick. And a life.
this is playing out perfectly. gop implosion on public display. don’t distract from the failure of trumpcare.
Dear Mr or Ms Quat16,
May I call you Kum? So, in spite of the fact that George W. Bush was a horrible president , a Republican, and wasn’t able to “reform” social security, since he left office we have lost the House, the Senate, the Presidency, and a Supreme Court Justice.
Now, please explain again why “the right thing to do is to stand back and let them” when they “busy shooting themselves in the foot.” That doesn’t work long term. See above paragraph, and let it sink in. As Carvelle said when your opponent is drowning, you throw them an anchor, you don’t just stand back.
Your friend,