George W. Bush won reelection with a “mandate.” He squandered that “mandate” on Social Security and his second term was crippled as a result. He accomplished jack shit and his term in office was a miserable failure, leading directly to the election of Barack Obama.
You are falsely equating two separate tactics for two separate circumstances. The tactic for bad legislation that is on the verge of failing to pass, such as that under discussion today, is precisely what we are doing now: nothing, other than continuing to point out what a POS it is. The tactic for a future election is a different matter. As for that, the Democratic strategy there is sound, as well: “tattoo to their foreheads.” If that becomes their only strategy, you might subsequently have a point, but you have no data to back up any such assertion.
I repeat: it is long past time for you to get a new shtick. And a life.
Edited to add that it’s interesting how you completely ignore the elections of 2006 and 2008, which were the first elections after Democrats employed the tactics under discussion. Care to take a look at those miserable failures and explain how Pelosi’s tactics led to such dreadful results for the Democratic Party?
My son who ss doing an internship in Steny Hoyer’s office just notified me that Comstock will be voting no! She’s been under a lot of pressure from her constituents. Maybe it was worth freezing my ass off during the St. Patrick’s Day parade a couple of weeks ago - right across the street from one of her offices - with my “MISSING: Has anyone seen Barbara Comstock?” flyers. She knows she’s in trouble if she keeps pulling hard right.
Don’t blame Pelosi and Hoyer because they have been out front proclaiming the faults in this so called health care bill and the advantages of the ACA. It would help if the television outlets would have more Dems on instead of just Repubs. MSNBC is just treating this like a horse race or a game instead of letting viewers know how bad this proposed bill really is and how badly it treats millions of folks.
I would argue he’s a purity troll. If you don’t do everything exactly the way he would do it, if you don’t agree with him on every minute detail, then you’re the enemy, you’re the problem, and he’ll fight you every step of the way.
The fact that such rhetoric and tactics work against the outcomes he claims to want seems to have entirely escaped his notice.
I look forward to hearing from you the many, or any, examples of a vision for the Democratic Party from leadership. Anything other than mealymouthed platitudes, that is.
When Democrats go on the TV and fail miserably at messaging, it’s hard to blame the media. I complain because I want them to improve. I don’t consider sticking my head in the sand to be helpful to the cause.
I blame Obama for refusing to advocate for the public option, and not even attempting to twist arms. But, why hasn’t Pelosi said word boo about it for the last 7 years?
I am not sure why this is so hard for you to understand. The current Democratic leadership has failed miserably, and should be replaced. They have won battles, sure, but they are losing the war badly.
I also don’t know why you feel it necessary to instruct me on how I should live my life. Weird.
Uh-huh, so you keep saying, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over …
[deep breath]
… and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Is any of this sinking in yet?
In any case, you have my response above with respect to the success of these tactics against George W. Bush in an almost identical situation. Come back when you’ve got an answer for that.
I also don’t know why you feel it necessary to instruct me on how I should live my life. Weird.
I don’t give a shit how you live your life but given your obvious concern with “failing miserably,” you might want to take another look at the fragility of your glass house before you continue throwing those stones, given your “miserable failures” in this forum.
They have been and they will continue talking about improving it. That’s what they’ve pleaded with the GOP to do instead of this repeal and replace nonsense.
Because a public option was not politically possible since the 2010 election. Just holding on to the law itself by a shoe string at this point. We saw that today. I supported the public option and think some problems some states are having would go away with a public option but it just ain’t happening at this point in time. It is really survival mode for at least the next two years. Then we will see.
The Public Option is never going to be possible unless Democrats spend years laying the groundwork by talking about it and convincing voters to elect more Democrats so that we can get it. Shutting your mouth about currently unattainable legislation makes it forever unattainable. There was no excuse for the Democrats to not be the party of the Public Option and Medicare for All for the last 7 years. They may even have won some elections in 2012, 2014 and 2016, instead of tanking over and over again. Sixty-nine out of 99 of state legislative houses are in Republican hands. That is the wages of not talking about improving healthcare.
Also Dems won all the marbles in 2012. Won the presidency and picked up seats in congress. In 2016 they picked up seats in both houses of congress. They lost seats in 2014 which is normal for them due to many voters who can not be bothered to vote in off year elections.
So what about the media that ran the Clinton email story daily for a year? Maybe if we asked them nice?
Last night’s story on Trump & Ryan’s failure to pass the AHCA, featured an innocuous clip of Nancy Pelosi saying nothing memorable and only slightly relevant. A second later she said that Trump had conducted “amateur hour” on the bill. That clip didn’t make the broadcast.
That is the problem you should be working on solving: How to get the message OUT, against this united opposition.