Discussion: House Dem Centrists Tell Trump To Take A Hike, Won't Meet On Shutdown

Yes, but then Will Rogers never met Donald Trump.


It’s not like these ‘moderate’ democrats were signalling their intent to break ranks. This entire spectacle was designed for a news cycle blurb. They are seriously grasping at straws, but I wonder… Is it possible they think they’re winning? Cognitive dissonance can be a powerful thing, and we all suffer from it to a greater or lesser extent. He looks like a complete fool. Someone must be telling him how things look.

I was expecting Trump to become disillusioned with the job, and somehow back out of the 2020 election. I underestimated his ego, though. I’m afraid we are stuck with sad sack Trump for the next two years (at least).

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I meant this famous comment because today’s Democratic moves showed they were organized.

"I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.

You mean the one about about how he never met a man he didn’t like, right?

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This was a direct play to his base and their grease craving. They can actually feel the grease soothing their tummies and Trump knows it. He’s got the ‘appealing to autonomic systems’ part down. MOAR!

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Maybe it was just the moron thinking other people would enjoy eating his own disgusting favorite foods which are mostly McDonalds, pizza, fried chicken, etc. It so happens his base shares this craving.


Maybe this is why these Dems had to say no. They were invited on an impulse the moron had, like everything he does and says.

Several House Democrats who had been invited to the White House told CNN in advance of the meeting they had been given little to no information about what the meeting would entail and have either rejected the invite or wouldn’t confirm whether they would attend. The invitations did not all go out at once, but over the course of Monday night, and consisted of a three-line email asking only if the member would “attend lunch at the White House tomorrow, January 15 at 12:30 PM,” according to a copy read to CNN. The email was sent on behalf of the President.
“It’s kind of a mess,” one Democratic member who had received an invitation told CNN when asked their impression of how the meeting had been put together.


“Bottle of water anyone? Old Big Mac? Filet of Fish? Some cold thing from Wendy’s? Anyone?”


Maybe, if it was a potluck. Apparently, they would have had to bring their own cutlery, beverages, glasses…


Nice one.


Thanks, maybe that’s his new name for me if food is involved.


I wonder what they’ll be having for lunch?

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President Trump asked a group of moderate House Democrats to meet
with him on Tuesday, looking to drive a wedge between them and House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). No dice, said the Democrats.

White House officials scrambled to find moderate House Democrats
willing to meet with Trump Tuesday morning after the President demanded
the meeting from aides.

The art of the deal from the “great negotiator” hizzownself.


This is fine acting by Strother Martin in this scene.

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And another thing… (hands on hips, taps foot…)…

Just where is ol “I WANT MY WALL” gonna build here that will make the crossing any more difficult?..

Santa Elena Canyon in the Big Bend.


Not much


And only Jim Jordan and members of the FweeDumb caucus could enjoy a lunch of cold day old burgers and fries.

Maybe tRump will reward them each with doggie bags!


“Congressman Correa welcomes the opportunity to talk with the President about border security, as soon as the government is reopened.”

Beautiful. Remarkable what a bit of actual leverage can do for the backbone eh?


I figured they would serve leftovers.

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There is no way that is a thousand “hamberders” there. Apart from not knowing how to talk, not knowing how to read, the Moron in chief doesn’t know how to count.

No doubt he is going to BILL the government for 1000 burgers and pocket the difference.


Not doggie bags! - Separate checks!


Not related really but a strange Trump/putin bedfellow. Hard to believe that Donald or Vlad will believe this guy isn’t gay and except him into their circle of he men woman haters, because he dances ballet!