Discussion: House Bill To Repeal Obamacare Will Tell Committees To Write GOP Alternative

Discussion for article #232651

This is quite a shocking development. They are all but admitting that they are working in conjunction with the SCOTUS for purely political motives.

And some people keep saying Roberts is worried about his legacy.


Sure. Instruct the committees to develop legislation. That could work.


Which will be Obamacare with the words switched around.


So in other words, their “replacement” will include going back to corporate Death Panels, lifetime coverage limits, denial of care for pre-existing conditions, unaffordable premiums and co-pays with no cost assistance and, as always, toss in “tort reform” and “selling insurance across state lines”.

Alan Grayson was right.


Assholes have had a running start of 4 years to draft a replacement. What makes anyone think they will do it now.


They won’t…or at least they won’t pass anything. They certainly aren’t going to blow up Obamacare just to give Obama another health care bill to sign. That is being saved for a republican president.


Just read that block quote again. If anyone can get away with nonsense like that we are all screwed. It’s a platitudinous, incoherent super-sized wad of word salad. It says nothing. And it says nothing for the classical reason: The man saying it has nothing to say., He will get very little heat for it though.


See, this is the reason why I continue to tell the so-called progressives that if the ACA falls, FORGET ABOUT A PUBLIC OPTION. There will be no more discussion of health insurance in this country until there is a major epidemic of some formerly treatable disease. Maybe not even then.

People who currently have health insurance through the ACA now will be angry, scared and at a total loss of what to do next if it is gone. Therefore, they will do nothing. They will stand around with a deer-in-the-headlights look and proclaim that they don’t know what to do next.

This will also be what the Democratic Party will do. They will stand around with a deer-in-the-headlights look and proclaim that they don’t know what to do next. The GOP, on the other hand, will “discuss” what to do about the situation; Dems will go along with this to look bipartisany.

In the meantime, the health insurance companies will make a bee line to DC to get a bailout of money to cover all the money they’ve lost. The stock market will probably drop about 1000 points because this current crop of Rethugs don’t really believe in bailouts. Look for both health insurance companies and hospitals around the country to close their doors.



I wish they’d repeal obama care and then open up medicare for everyone. Yes it would be real government run healthcare and go completely goes against what they claim to believe but we already know they are a bunch of liars and this would actually be good for the rest of us.

In fact I’d love it if the did most of the things they claim are bad and are against. We’d all be better off and I might even vote to keep them in office!

The problem that Republicans (and some Democrats) don’t want to admit about healthcare is that it doesn’t lend itself to a purely market-based approach because no one can predict when someone will get sick, or have an accident that isn’t addressed by tort law-based compensation, and that illness or accident can bankrupt even fairly affluent people when you include high co-pays, and drug and/or rehabilitation expenses.

The only way to prevent that is for a single-payer to be the sole insurer, funded by taxes.

Of course, that tax would be paid instead of the high premiums that many people are currently paying, so it wouldn’t be the onerous alternative that some would pretend.

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Like the 1850s. Or, at least, that was Lincoln’s thesis in the “House Divided” speech.

There was a tendency among 20th century historians to pooh-pooh the contention, because, innocent souls that they were, they couldn’t imagine a Supreme Court doing such a thing. Personally, I always thought he was probably right.


One would think that the smart thing to do would be to craft that alternative and then bundle it together with a repeal vote, so that Americans don’t wake up the day after the vote happens to find out that the days of their having insurance are numbered. But that’s giving the GOP too much credit. And it also assumes that they could finally come together after 4 years and craft an alternative that didn’t send their base into a frothing rage.


They’ve had 5 years, various repeal and replace talk, at least two campaign seasons and 40+ votes to repeal and NOW they are instructing members to come up with an alternative?

Shouldn’t a few have been drafted, edited, rewritten, proofs finalized and then sent to Kinkos for printing by now???

Well, can’t wait to FINALLY see what they come up with; we’ve fucking waited long enough…


No it won’t, it will be a black hole.


They have nothing. They want people to be uninsured, they want them to die in ditches.


I sum up their plan. Cancel all the mandates , increase insurance profits , and push through tort reform to further enrich their Wall Street masters.


Or, given the genius mooks who chair the House and its committees and various subcommittees, they could come up with fire from rubbing sticks together, or the eccentric wheel, or even universal coverage.

It’s like a lottery, made from a gazillion Moopublicans chairing a gazillion committees.

A committee is only as good as the most knowledgeable, determined and vigorous person on it.

  • Ladybird Johnson

IOW, they’ve got nothing to replace it now. and there’s nothing they’ll come up with to replace that nothing - except for the spending of untold hours of staffer work, meetings with lobbyists, TV appearances in and out of the Capitol and on the Sunday shows, partisan speeches to be copied and relayed back home to the base, hours and hours into days and days into weeks and weeks in committee meetings, and reports, lots and lots of reports, majority reports, consensus reports, minority reports, dissenting reports, individual member reports, reporting submissions, and about 4,378 subpoenas issued to Jonathan Gruber to testify - all adding up to one very loud, incredibly expensive nothing.

It is, after all, where this universe came from, and where it will end up.


The ACA was their alternative.

This is a bunch of bullshit, per usual. These evil fucks, GOP congress fucks and SCrOTUS fascists alike, want people to die and/or suffer and/or face financial ruin. That cannot be overstated.

That is what they want. They desire pain and suffering for millions of Americans.

If these were foreign entities trying to harm Americans to this extent, we’d drone the living fuck out of them.


If Dems were smart at messaging (and their track record is dismal) they would launch a drive now to say, “Hey GOP…let’s work together to avoid a train wreck that could hurt millions of Americans. Before we repeal the system we now have, come up with an alternative and have it reviewed by healthcare and budget experts to make sure it will provide affordable coverage to as many Americans as possible, work to reduce health care costs, and improve health care quality.”

Only make the change when and if you know that is possible. Of course it will never happen…you may ORDER the committees to come up with an alternative, but leadership decides what is viable and Boehner and his pals know in their guts they need to come up with an alternative to avoid chaos but (A) they can’t find a plan that can win enough votes to pass (B) even if they could get something that passes, chances are better than average that it won’t work economically and © anything they try and do will be savaged and attacked by the wingnutters.

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