Discussion: House Bill To Repeal Obamacare Will Tell Committees To Write GOP Alternative

Maybe, but then again, probably not.

Stage 1 was Death by A Thousand Repeals, and that didn’t work and, more importantly, the hollow repeal votes no longer resonate with the Base. The Base wants ACTION and RESULTS.

But the Moopublicans are incapable of and deeply divided over what those RESULTS could possibly be, given the ACA IS IN FACT THE GOP’S OWN RESULT.

Which logically you’d think would mean NO action and moving along to something else, but there’s that pesky demanding Base, so … what the Base is going to get is BUSY-NESS.

So Stage 2 is even greater more pervasive ACTION with NO RESULTS.

In other words …

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Oh, people are too busy to vote.

Or 1001 other excuses.


McCarthy should have included “That is except for those with lady parts”:

“Health care decisions should be made by patients and their doctors, not by Washington, D.C. We need solutions that reduce costs, give every American more control over their health care decisions”

34 years of “government is the problem” and “demonize the opposition” are coming home to roost.


“Republican legislation to fully repeal Obamacare is slated for a vote in the House next week, and it will include a provision instructing relevant committees to devise a GOP alternative to the health care reform law.”

Yeah, that will be happening!

Here’s a riddle: what would be the Republican plan to replace what is a Republican plan?

And that turned out really well for the country, didn’t it?