Discussion: Hogan Renews Primary Buzz In Wake Of ‘Very Disturbing’ Redacted Mueller Report

Thank God. I was afraid we were going to be talking about Hulk.


Over the next two to three months Trump will find out just how many enemies, and how few real friends he actually has. The pile-on will be epic. I doubt anyone will be running against Trump because I doubt he’ll still be President by this time next year, but we’ll see.


Hogan? I thought that was Jerome Corsi.

Is there a Schultz in the GOP he could run with, when Trump is in the Klink?


Hogan’s dad was one of the few Rs who came out unequivocally in favor of impeaching Nixon. Mavericky seems to run in the family.


“According to the Washington Post, he voiced his opinion that the only reason Trump isn’t mired in obstruction charges is that his aides stopped him from carrying out his ideas.”

incorrect: Mueller made it clear that the only reason why drump was not charged with obstruction was because of policy saying not to charge a sitting president.


Dammit. I thought it was a different Hogan threatening to take him on…in the Steel Cage!!!

[Maryland Gov. Larry] Hogan Renews Primary Buzz In Wake Of ‘Very Disturbing’ Redacted Mueller Report

America is not going to elect a fat bald guy president.

Oh, wait . .

Never mind.

Is there a Schultz in the GOP he could run with, when Trump is in the Klink?

I see what you did there.


Yes, and I’ve posted the following before:

When Nixon’s impeachment came up for a committee vote, one Republican supported all 3 articles. That one Republican was Larry Hogan. While in law school, he’d been an FBI agent. Here’s what he said about Nixon with tears in his eyes, and to me it has been unforgettable:

The fact is, and the thing that’s so appalling to me is that the President, when this whole idea was suggested to him, didn’t, in righteous indignation, rise up and say,

Get out of here, you’re in the office of the President of the United States. How can you talk about blackmail and bribery and keeping witnesses silent? This is the Presidency of the United States!

and throw them out of his office and pick up the phone and call the Department of Justice and tell them, there’s an obstruction of justice going on, someone’s trying to buy the silence of a witness. [Here Larry pauses.] But my President didn’t do that. [Here his voice breaks.] He sat there and he worked and worked to try to cover this thing up so it wouldn’t come to light. He didn’t have to [find out] because he already knew, and he consistently tried to cover up the evidence and obstruct justice. And as much as it pains me to say it, he should be impeached and removed from office.

Larry was from Boston. I disagreed with him on many things; [after all,] he was a conservative who had steadfastly supported Nixon. But he died just last year [2017]. All who knew him miss him dearly.


Does this clown thinks that Trump is in need of a laugh?

The senior Hogan explaining why he had to support impeachment. It’s very moving.


Yup. Also, it wasn’t that aides refused to carry out his “ideas”, it was because his aides refused to carry out his [repeated] orders.

Sloppy… :unamused:


Whew, for a second I thought Hogan Gidley had gone rogue!


I’ve always thought that if Hogan or Baker runs, they win the GOP primary unless the Russians pull off a really successful vote tampering campaign. Weld is a joke although he wasn’t always this way.

Wait a minute! I just heard PP say in front of god and everybody “Nobody disobeys my orders.” This must mean it’s lie 9452 [WaPo] since he said he’d preserve, protect and defend.

In 801 days, President Trump has made 9,451 false or misleading claims


Weld will make make a dent in trumpp’s numbers even if he and we know he’s isn’t going to win.


Yeah, I think Weld can make a dent in Rump’s numbers regionally (some parts of New England) but that’s the extent of it.

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“…i wouldn’t run just to bruise tRump.”

Then, imho, you’re not half the man your father was, hotshot.

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