Discussion: Hillary Trumpets Husband's Bipartisan Record: 'Bill Never Stopped Reaching Out To Them'

Saying that the Republican Party borders on fascism is like saying that the Vatican City borders on Italy.


some people can paint a beautiful vision

What, did HRC borrow Mittens’ unsheathed knife?
BTW, family dysfunction and public share many similarities including oppressed members more concerned with maintaining the failed status quo…


biggest crock of shit i heard from her in a long time notice her book is not selling to well. the biggest criticism of Obama is from his base he was a compromiser in cheif. and as long as the tea party is around and controls the republican party she will get the same treatment.
she better be careful or she may not make it this time either. the Demowimps got to start developing more stars in there party Warren is a good start.

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Her book is selling fine. Another lie become “fact” from the Right.


“Bill Never Stopped Reaching Out To Them”

Yes, and they still hate him for it.

Sadly, many progressives also still hate him for it.


Penn’s people, in particular, are the over-compromising middle that many of us consider part and parcel of the problems we face.

Hillary would do well to hire some of Obama’s old crew and dump Penn’s players, top to bottom.


I was just thinking about how very “DLC” this all sounds. The sort of “go along to get along” kind of thing.

Crazy, counterproductive stuff. If she thinks the country would be receptive of another “chained CPI” idea or even worse, another “Grand Bargain” she REALLY is listening too much to either Penn or Davis or both.

Quite frankly, any Dem running to her left in the primary would be well advised to bring this up in the national debate with her.


Yes, that was truly a bipartisan fuck-up, but it doesn’t invalidate the point that nothing good comes from working with Republicans. Most of the worst laws that came to Bill’s desk came with veto-proof majorities in Congress or were part of veto-proof bills (like the NDAA).


So I guess Hillary will continue to “reach out to Republicans”, and every time she does, they will take another step backwards and to the right. Will she follow?

This article tones down what Hillary said. She suggested that she would do more to woo Republicans and also that she would take a more assertive stance toward global crises. That’s just about the last two things I would want from a Democratic nominee. How about trying to woo liberals and the old-fashioned, long-abandoned Democratic base (working people)? It seems to me that Obama and the Clintons are duking it out to see who can be the leader of the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. I say no more triangulation. I want a real Democrat.


The Republican definition of compromise is “give us 99% of what we want, and we’ll throw a few crumbs your way”. I’d love to see compromises, but not using that definition.

The only way you read this as dissing Obama is if you ignore what she actually said about him.

Wall Street Journal is ginning up outrage, HuffPo piled on, and now TPM joins the parade.

I wish the constant unrelenting focus on everything Hillary says or does would just go the f$ck away until she announces. This constant parsing and selective quoting does nothing except piss a lot of people off for no good reason.


There is “compromise”, and there is “selling out”. When Republicans, in the minority, get 90% of what they want and Dems get a consolation prize, what would you call that? For example, Republicans get permanent tax cuts increasing the deficit, and Dems get a few more months extension of unemployment. call that a win?

Backstab other politicians, have at it. Backstab your constituency, ride off into the sunset and fast.

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That’s a little disingenuous. It is Hillary that decided to write and promote her book nonstop at this point in time. She’s playing with us. I don’t care for that.

Guess Hillary never noticed that Obama got more done in 4 years in office than Bill got done than 4. Line-up Obama’s record versus Bill’s and it is no contest. And Obama’s working with a crazier GOP and a Democratic Party who does nothing but stab him in the back. I can’t believe she is still pushing that BS about Obama giving pretty speeches and nothing else. He did more in 2 years in the Senate than she did in 8.

She’s learned nothing since 2008 and she is going to turn off the Dem base quickly if she keeps going down this bullshit path.


The point about working hard to reach out to the other side and not getting anything back is a good one. Republicans talk about how Obama won’t compromise, what they mean is he won’t roll over and rubber stamp their policies. Good for him, and he could be tougher in that regard. And Obama’s tack in 2014 to say, these guys won’t work with me, if they give me a sign that they have changed their mind I will try again, in the meantime, executive action; I think that is good, as long as he has permanently purged his willingness to offer or accept cuts to SS, Medicare, etc.


True enough-- though the craziness was really bad in my recollection. But is there anyone who thinks that gender won’t also be a factor should Hillary be elected? Good grief.


Right. And so, I think, the best thing Hillary could be doing now is to campaign not so much for herself as for Democratic congressional candidates in the fall elections.


She’s a liar. Anyone who could tell that Bosnia sniper story repeatedly with a straight face has issues with the truth. If she was a man, that lie alone would have rendered her unelectable to the presidency. And that wasn’t the only whopper she told in 2008.