Discussion: Hillary Trumpets Husband's Bipartisan Record: 'Bill Never Stopped Reaching Out To Them'

Discussion for article #224724

I don’t think her comment was meant to diminish PBO or should it be taken as such. Bubba had crazy wing nuts to deal with but race wasn’t a factor. Here race is a factor which pushes it to a whole other level of crazy…


I am wishing more and more that she would just shut the hell up. She is reminding me why I never liked her. She is from the backstabbing wing of the DLC.


He didn’t have the Tea Party. Foley and Gingrich actually seem like functional Speakers compared to Boehner.


In politics everyone is a backstabber. It’s a blood sport and right now brooks no public friendships. In fact if there were a serious friendship across the aisle it could cost BOTH people their offices. The political climate is far more toxic than when Bill Clinton was in office.


from the ‘backstabbing grifting wing’ of the DLC…


Umm Hillary, Bill didn’t have a Republican Congress that in the week after Bill was elected have their leaders get together and vow never to work with him and say NO to everything. Bill didn’t have the Tea party that has driven a once noble party so far to the right as to be bordering on fascism. Bill didn’t have a Republican Party who thought the only way they would compromise was if he just did as they wanted all the time.

Look if you are running for President great, but until after 2014 mid-terms STFU. Oh and another small piece of advice if you want African Americans to come out and vote for you I wouldn’t go around dissing this President even subtly.


That border has been crossed I think.


Slick Hilly. I don’t admire that stuff but I’m glad she’s on our side.


I guess lessons are never learned. Glass/steagle anyone? Almost nothing good ever comes out of working with repubs.


I couldn’t agree with you more and someone should remind Hillary of that fact. Bill reached out to them and screwed the country on NAFTA to prove how “bi_partisan” he was when George H W Bush was never able to get NAFTA passed. Doing what isn’t right for the country is a bad way to gain the support of the right who would destroy the environment for the almighty dollar. I think Hillary makes the mistake of thinking that the right would allow her to reach out to them. They will treat her no better than they treat a black man.


93 US Senators voted to repeal GS. You can’t blame that on Republicans.

NAFTA got passed when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. It had nothing to do with “reaching out to Republicans.”

[quote=“bishmillz, post:2, topic:6562”]
I don’t think her comment was meant to diminish PBO or should it be taken as such.
[/quote]I agree; I don’t think she was meaning to either but she really needs to choose her words more carefully because there are a lot of people in the “liberal” media that use whatever she says to pounce and drive the narrative that everyone is distancing themselves from Obama.

She needs to clarify and acknowledge that that man has bent over backwards trying to work with a party that ON INAUGURAL NIGHT said they would not work with him. And I really wish the media would make that be known too, but I gave up on our hyperbolic, gossip driven Estate a long time ago. And unfortunately the fact that she’s not being smarter in her public comments is making me change my opinion of her - and that’s not good.


Let’s face it. Despite being on the scene for three decades, Hillary is not an adroit politician. She’s very knowledgeable and good in long form but she so often blows the lay-ups and completely steps in it on things that should be gimmes.


I could not agree more. And, it’s because she is too calculating and manipulative which is why many, including me, find her to be a phony. I really don’t know what she really believes in. Never have.


HRC is under opposition scrutiny 24/7, with hundreds of GOP operatives looking to make their bones by catching her in any tiny inaccuracy or a “gaffe”. She may not be campaigning yet, but she knows she is at risk.
Even the most inoffensive comments are pounced on and taken apart by the Right, and if there is any way to misinterpret, take out of context, distort, or even plain lie about it, they will happily go for it.
I give her a lot of credit for even considering the Presidency: She and Bill know better than anyone the awful cost to their family and their personal and private life.


I agree completely. Unfortunately, she has a tendency to “embellish” her comments - a LOT. No, I am not calling her a liar. I’m just saying that there have been a couple of times where she has either added more to a situation than was actually there OR she went on talking about something without realizing how it was coming across.

Regarding these comments now - she needs to make it REAL CLEAR how this differs from what BO was doing in his first term and how she thinks people perceived that. (Here’s a hint: even so-called Independents thought it was absurd).


The more Hillary talks the more she sounds like she’s parroting the gutless, patronizing words of Lanny Davis or Mark Penn. If Obama has a problem it’s that he thinks that everybody is just like him, reasonable. He needs a lil’ LBJ in him.

I honestly thought after all Hillary’s been through with the GOP she would have the balls to call them out. It appears that she’s devolving into her true self, a gutless patronizing political hack.

If she keeps flapping her yap she’ll eventually talk herself right out of the picture. She weaves a rope and fashions a noose with her lips every time she moves them.


“Reaching out to Republicans” has about the same visceral effect on the far left that “Reaching out to Democrats” has for the right.

There are factions at both ends that would see it all fall apart before they would compromise, even for a short term.

But to be accurate, one must regard the brainwashing from the right versus the simple logic of the left, on the right they are promoting and perpetuating a Big Lie, defending prejudice of all sorts and expecting rich old white men to manage The Streets.

But from the left we are screaming for progress, tolerance and good governance.

There really IS a difference.