Discussion for article #242941
“I swear to God, we should not use religion as a test…Oops.”
Someone ate their Wheaties today!
New lows from the GOP only last about a minute. So continual updates are required.
Yeh…their barrel is bottomless…
Down-dates instead of updates?
The right demonizes Muslims, and suggest we should discriminate against them when they are at their most vulnerable.
The left ignores the fact that the Muslims who become terrorist are not doing so because of economic distress or political repression, but out of a very real ideology of hate.
We shouldn’t discriminate against people for ideology. That’s not the American way, and it violates are founding principles. We should, however, not be afraid to call out hateful ideology. Islam, for the most part, peaches a backwards hateful lifestyle.
@eallenii Yeah, you can’t be too careful, though. I say bar the door to people who subscribe to any of the Abrahamic religions.
Islam preaches violence no less so than the old testament in the bible. All religions suck.
“You know, sometimes when I think you’re the shallowest man (Party) I’ve ever met, you manage to drain a little more out of the pool.”
-Elaine, Seinfeld
It’s not a new low.
Uh, I just checked with “the left” and they say that’s crap.
The life span of a new low is approaching the time it takes to say “a new low”
HItarly PROVes ONCe again sHE can"T BE truSTED on Foreign Policy. SHE DOEsn"T SEEM serious about the FACT that MUSLIMs COULD be Allowed TO COMe INTO THE U.S. and LIVE among US like SLEEPer cELLS wiTH THEir SHARIA law and HALLAL and KEBOBs. I SAW it ON HOMEland and LOOK what Happened to our HOMEland ON HOMeland!
It is always good to get your extremely brief call when you are doing a check.
DAMN straight EALLENiii. WHILE I ALSO respect ALL RELIGIONS equally, THE MUSLIM is A Horrible backward and HATE PREacHING and SMELLY.MAYBE it’s BEcaUSE ARAB, mayBE it’s ALL THE GArlic. WHO CAN REALLY KNOW? BUT We should DEFINITELY not demonize the MUSLIMS like the RIGHT because THEY are vulnerable bUT BEcaUSE THEY PREacH SMELLY backwards HATE SHARIa. AMERICA needs MORE PEOPLE like YOU TO STAND UP FOR ONE THIng and THE EXact OPPOSITE AT THE SAME TIME11!1!!!one!1!!1!!!1!!!
Thank you, HIllary.
Good for her.
The GOP really is the Limbo party.
It is a new low!
gop/bags are nothing more the f’ing cowards!