Discussion: Hillary Clinton Addresses Ferguson: We Must 'See That Justice Is Done'

Discussion for article #226990

Good for her and we need more like her to speak out about this travesty that is going on across this country. More white outrage please


One one hand, I wish she would have said this last week. On the other hand, I know why the race-baiting, white-only Republicans have disappeared but where are the rest of the Democrats?

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Hillary pulls finger from wind to make a statement.

I’m a Hillary supporter but I am disappointed with her waiting 3 weeks after his death to make a statement. Obviously she waited for polling to be done.


Good for her, if albeit a tiny bit delayed.

Nah, going to take that back. If she’d spoken out last week, she’d have been accused of stomping all over Holder and Obama. If she’d spoken out during the week of protests, she’d be accused of inserting herself. If she’d spoken out earlier this week, she’d be accused of disrespecting Michael Brown’s funeral.

Not a huge fan of Clinton, but I think I will give her some slack on this, anyway.


I agree 100% with your comment.

Considering how neutral her statement she’s not taking a big political risk. It could have been made earlier.


Besides, rumors and disinformation were flying around as certain parties attempted to sway public opinion.

Things have settled down, and the investigations are proceeding. I thought hers was a relevant and thoughtful response to the murder, and she addressed the reality that African-Americans (and other minorities) face in this country. Many of us want justice for Michael and his parents and all who face that extreme prejudice.


Since she is the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party, this statement is 2.5 weeks too late.

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IMHO she did not want to jump on the bandwagon and have her statements become lost or another distraction in the goat rope that Ferguson had become. In delaying her statement she was better able to focus attention on the tragedy of Mr. Browns murder.

I wonder where our resident HRC detractor is? Over thirty minutes now and it’s yet to appear, that’s a record! It usually appears within nanoseconds of seeing her name on a topic.

I disagree. I think it is spot on with it’s message, a message that would have been lost in the outrage and upheavals of the past 2.5 weeks.

It’s difficult for a rational voice to be heard in the midst of all that chaos.


“We can’t ignore the inequities that persist in our justice system
that undermine our most deeply held values of fairness and equality,”
she said.

“Imagine what we would feel and what we would do if white
drivers were three times as likely to be searched by police during a
traffic stop as black drivers instead of the other way around.”

“That is the reality in the lives of so many of our fellow Americans and so many of the communities in which they live.”

None of this seems particularly neutral.


Others are popping up.

Right now I think @AntonioFrench is more presidential than Hilary. See #healstl. At least he is on the ground trying to do something useful.

I’ve read her statement in one way or another in the St. Louis Post Dispatch for the past 2.5 weeks.

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How about this:
Paul Ryan rebutted Hilary’s comments saying, “She’s the one who signed the purchase order for the Humvee!”


Glad she spoke up. I think it should come up during the debates so we can see how candidates will handle the response and offer solutions.

The time to speak up was 2 weeks ago. She missed the window. The only reason she gets this press is because of who she is.


Oh, it’s out there, both public and private.
The tragedy and its aftermath clarifies a lot of things, not least where people stand.

Frankly, I have no problem with her waiting until things had quieted down before she spoke out. I think it was a very strong statement that spoke to real issues of why residents of Ferguson are so angry, why they took to the streets. I also appreciate that she didn’t get off into the militarization of the police. That’s a side issue that too many liberals jumped on as the root cause of the unrest. Its not.


You wouldn’t be taking a cheap shot at my guy UFG, now would you Sooner? And BTW, UFG is not an “it’s”.

Regarding Hillary, yes she timed it right this time. Good for her but do we all have to exhibit our selective outrage as chammy seems to be implying?