Discussion: Hillary Clinton Addresses Ferguson: We Must 'See That Justice Is Done'

Sorry Sooner, but you know that Hillary is a globalist war-hawk. I heard a Russian cartoon say that somewhere…anyhoo, Hillary Bad!!!


A bit late to the party, but at least she showed up in time to sweep up the crumbs and take out the beer cans.

You angry bro?

Do you have anything to add to the topic?

Everything she said has been said by someone else before her. And they all said it better.

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“Hillary aint never been called a n…”

-Rev Wright

Sorry for trolling.

Bill would have triangulated by executing a black man with brain damage.

I was not aware that one can discern gender based on posts and a gender neutral screen name. I would not know what UFG’s gender was unless that person explicitly said so either on the board or by a private message. I’m not here 24/ 7 so there are many posts that go by without me seeing them so consequently I have had no idea whatever as to UFG’s gender…or yours for that matter. To me it does not matter at all.
Sooner is correct saying that there is wonderment as to where UFG is when Hillary is the subject of a thread. It’s not a cheap shot. It’s pointing out something unusual. From what I have seen here at TPM even when Hillary isn’t the subject UFG manages to bring her up. Before you go off on me understand: I have purposely steered clear of any personal criticism (or subject criticism for that matter) …of either side as it takes away from the subject at hand.

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Your post reminds me of my time in grammar school when the nuns would hold me up against a locker in the hallway, get real close and call me “incorrigible”. So be it.

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You had the “nun treatment” too, I see.

Man they could be mean. I had 2 years of that, which was more than enough.

I can still see whats-his-name being dragged down the hall by his earlobe, screaming…

Now now, lets not get personal.

I’m pretty certain I missed whatever point you seem to be trying to make.

That explains so much-thanks for sharing!