Discussion: HHS Says It Pulled Ads Promoting Obamacare Enrollment To Cut Costs

I think this is one of those Alternative Facts, or maybe just Post Fallout Bullhockey Justifications.


HHS: Ads were already paid for when we canceled the buy. But we just wanted to waste some money and stick it to the Black Guy.


Networks should just run them for free for a couple days then as a giant FUCK YOU AND YOUR LIES.


“We have pulled back roughly $5 million of the final placement in an effort to look for efficiencies where they exist.”

Right, because nothing says efficiency like throwing away 5 million bucks right off.


This is already tiresome. The magnitude of lies coming from this administration is amazing considering Trump is getting these people to do it at his behest. To find this many people willing to compromise themselves is disheartening.


Trump: Obamacare is too popular. I have to make sure it fails.


Saved $5 million bucks! OMG! That will pay for…

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This may well be a gift to Obamacare: Now instead of ads in the last days, we get news articles all around about how Trump is sabotaging it.

A timely reminder to folks to sign up before the deadline!


. . . some of the additional tax cuts for one-percenters.

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Pulling these ads is tantamount to an act of terrorism. Enrollments soar in any program as you near the deadline (think April 15). How many uninsured Americans will miss the deadline for enrolling in the ACA? This will eventually lead to Americans dying for lack of healthcare - tests, preventive care, treatment, medication and the like. Withdrawing these ads will kill Americans just as dead as terrorism does. Their despair and deaths are totally on Trumps hands.


No money for this, but plenty of money for a fraudulent investigation of “voter fraud” to soothe Trump’s fragile ego.


The ads were pre-paid, doesn’t that mean there would be no refund? So that would mean there was no savings, so that would be another Trump lie.


And why would you be suprised by YATL?

Yet Another Trump Lie

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As I understand, ads were already paid for…so how does this cut costs? If it doesn’t cut costs, please clarify that in your headline/lede.


Cutting costs to government, while increasing them greatly to its citizens.


Does this HHS spokesperson have a fucking name?..or is that some kind of State secret? Was it acting on orders from above or was it an internal agency decision?

I read yesterday, in several places, that the ads had already been paid for. No questioning or mention of that in this article. Was that true? If so, they just burned $5 million for no good reason, and the lie about saving money is bullshit.

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I just saved money at the grocery store. I bought a gallon of milk, paid for it, and then told the cashier that the store could keep the milk.


Too bad these were already paid for! That is what pre-paid means Donald. But you know ACA and Obamacare aren’t the same so no big deal!

Where are the democrats at shouting out about this. They should be on every major network talking about this just so Americans who still want to get health insurance know they can until 31 January.

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