Discussion: Heritage Action Threatens Key Vote Against Partial Obamacare Repeal Effort

Discussion for article #241949

How many tables were flipped over in leadership offices when they heard this vote would be scored against them?


"Holler called budget reconciliation a "process that lacks the necessary leverage to ensure the president eventually signs the bill into law.”

I don’t think there’s enough leverage in the whole wide world that would make Obama sign a bill that destroys his signature achievement.


And hurts people.


…as JohnB ZippetyDoDahs himself all the way home.

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Since when is Freedom denying people the access to affordable healthcare? Remember it’s NOT about healthcare its about government regulation


Fanatical fantasy.


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The Heritage Foundation is trying to get the ACA repealed? Perhaps this would be a good time to remind everyone that the ACA was their idea.


The key point that all Americans need to know is that Obamacare as it is reduces the deficit by over $353,000,000,000.00

I mean the GOP claims that the reason to repeal Obamacare is American cannot afford to keep it when in fact according to the GOP’s own rules the truth is America cannot afford to repeal Obamacare.


I thought Rethuglicans want to repeal the ACA to show people how much they really hate humanity.

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As long as the GOP allows itself to be held hostage by the religious right and groups like Heritage they will continue their downward spiral as a party.

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The piercing screams you may hear from DC are the vice tightening on the gOLDPeers scrotae…

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shutdown-hungry conservative hardliners


So the GOP are in favor of restoring freeloaders into the healthcare system.

Got it.


The Heritage Action statement reflects trouble ahead for GOP leaders,

And here I thought it reflected trouble for the Heritage group because they were the ones who actually devised the ACA.

But then, this IS today’s GOP where McConnell filibustered his own bill.


Spot on.

I damn-near made the quasi in-laws of my better half keel over when I pointed this out to them when they were visiting last month. They refused to believe it and demanded I prove it. I emailed to them the PDF of the Heritage Foundation healthcare reform plan (“A National Health System for America”), links to the so-called “Dole plan” (which was the GOP answer to “Hillarycare”) that was based on it, as well as a link to the GOP leadership that were co-sponsors of that bill… along with the following little summation:

“A National Health System for America” was a healthcare reform proposal put forward by The Heritage Foundation in 1989, which became the basis for the Republican alternative to “Hillarycare” in the early 1990s as Republicans scrambled to forge an alternative. It was co-authored by conservatives Stuart Butler and Edmund Haislmaier and was the foundation of the ‘Dole Plan’, championed by future Republican Presidential nominee Bob Dole and many of his fellow Republicans along with some conservative Democrats, in 1993.

Republican Sen. John Chafee of Rhode Island was the point man for the bill he introduced S.1770 named the Health Equity and Access Reform Today, (yes, that spells HEART) which had a list of 20 co-sponsors that was a who’s who of Republican leadership. There was Minority Leader Bob Dole, R- Kan., Sens. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, Richard Lugar, R-Ind., and many others. There also were two Democratic co-sponsors.

Among other features, the Chafee bill included:

• An individual mandate;
• Creation of purchasing pools;
• Standardized benefits;
• Vouchers for the poor to buy insurance;
• A ban on denying coverage based on a pre-existing condition.

Even Sheila Burke, Dole’s chief of staff in 1993 stated to PunditFact that ”You would find a great deal of similarity to provisions in the Affordable Care Act,".

These core concepts went on to become the blueprint for “Romneycare” and eventually the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) (commonly referred to as “Obamacare”).

They went into radio silence after that email.


They still don’t believe it, you know. All you did was make them believe what they already believed harder.


They are truly going to rue the day they high-fived and cheered the guy who first called it Obamacare.


That’s awesome. Thanksgiving should be interesting, no?


Well, they live in Arizona outside of Phoenix, and so we are likely going to Thanksgiving with the other side of her family (also conservatives, but not as nutty) in Bend, Oregon.